7) Don't Leave Me

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Disclaimer: Brief mention of SA (very minimal). If you are easily triggered by this, please skip the part between the **

Lexa could sense Clarke's change of demeanor when the doorbell rang for the second time. Clarke's nervousness only made her feel uneasy too, but she didn't show it. She didn't question it when she was asked to wait in the living room.

She grew concerned when Clarke went outside and closed the door. Thinking it wasn't any of her business, she tried to focus on the television in front of her. She soon found that her curiosity was distracting her from her task. She debated going up to the window and peeking out to see what was going on, but she felt that it would be an invasion of privacy. Clarke closed the door for a reason.

When Clarke began to take longer than Lexa was comfortable with, she began to worry. As she was about to stand and just check to see if everything was fine, the door flew right open and another girl — who wasn't Clarke — stumbled in.

"Who are you?" She asked, and all Lexa could do was gawk at what was happening.

"Octavia!" Clarke runs in after the strange girl, followed by another brunette and Lexa moves back a couple steps because she can feel herself getting overwhelmed. She's never been a fan crowds. She can usually put up with them and deal with them extremely well, but not if they are all staring at her like she has two heads. Not to mention that she somewhat developed a fear of people ever since becoming homeless. Some people were just so mean and judgmental when they saw her as nothing more than a homeless woman. She is now being stared at by all three women in front of her. It doesn't bother her that Clarke is doing it, she knows Clarke, and she actually looks more concerned.

"You're house is not messy, Griffin. But who's the girl?" The Latina girl asks.

That seems to snap Clarke out of whatever she was in and walks over to Lexa. She stands a bit in front of her and faces her friends. Lexa is relieved at this. Having Clarke in front of her not only makes her feel safe, but she is able to somewhat hide behind her and keep judgmental eyes away from her.

"You guys have no respect for privacy." Clarke says to the two girls in a little bit of an upset voice. "I told you I was busy and, frankly, this was none of your business."

Clarke can admit that maybe she's being a little too harsh on her friends, they were just worried, after all. But that doesn't mean they have the right to invade her personal space and her privacy. She's upset that they've made Lexa upset. The poor girl is visibly anxious and scared. She couldn't stand the look on Lexa's face when she had strangers in front of her who just stood and stared.

"Chill, Clarke. Either you're replacing us with a new friend or you don't wanna introduce us to your new girlfriend." Octavia says with a smile.

Lexa blushes ever so slightly and Clarke gets even more infuriated at her friend's comment. "Out." She tells them as she points to the front door.

"Come on, Clarke." Raven intervenes, "She was just joking. You can't be serious."

"Both of you. Out. You can't just barge in here like this." Clarke is not budging and her friends can tell that she is not messing around.

"Griffs-" Raven tries in a more serious tone.

"I said, out. I'll meet you out on the porch in a minute, but you need to get out." Clarke doesn't know why she's being so hard on them. She knows her friends have always been like this. But Lexa's here and she doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"Fine. We'll be waiting." Octavia responds, a bit snarky with her tone.

When they're completely out of the house and the door is closed, Clarke turns to find a confused Lexa just staring at her. She takes a deep breath before speaking.

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