11) I Actually Care About You

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Four days.

It's been Four days since Bellamy's party and Lexa is still closed off. She doesn't say much when she's home and barely looks Clarke's way. Every question gets answered with one word and Lexa's sad eyes upset Clarke to no end.

This is so frustrating! Clarke can't take it anymore. She misses Lexa, which is insane because the brunette is physically there with her a lot of the time. Clarke misses talking with her, sharing how their work days went, watching TV with her, eating dinner with her... The list goes on.

It certainly doesn't help that Lexa has been working late the last couple of days. She gets home when Clarke is finishing eating dinner, but always goes into the shower right away. She claims that she feels more relaxed if she takes a shower before dinner, but Clarke can't help but think that maybe Lexa's just trying to avoid her. After her dinner, Lexa will clean up and read or hunch over work she brings home. A while later, Lexa will finally call it a night and go to bed.

Clarke is exhausted just watching her. It cannot be healthy to be working that much. Either Lexa is really trying to avoid her, or she's making up for lost time while being unemployed. Knowing Lexa, it's probably both.

Clarke sighs. She has to fix this. She has to talk to Lexa because she's worried about her. Every time Clarke has tried to talk to her about Bellamy's party, Lexa shuts down and finds an excuse to end the conversation.

Maybe Lexa started to feel uncomfortable after Clarke was dared to kiss Bellamy. That would explain why she secluded herself after the game. But she wasn't closed off to Clarke yet, not until she found her in the hallway. Something must've happened between the time that the game ended and when Clarke found her.

Clarke groans and turns in her bed. She just wants the sweet, content Lexa back. She wants things to be how they used to be before the party. Any progress in Lexa opening up seems to be regressing.

Why do I even care so much? Clarke thinks to herself. She has worried about her friends before, but this feels different. This is Lexa. Clarke cares more about her than she has for any other friend.

It's in this moment that some of Clarke's feelings start to surface. A quick look back at her time with Lexa since she met her, Clarke realizes that she has indeed developed questionable feelings for her.

She isn't completely sure what those feelings mean yet and it scares her, especially since she now knows that Lexa likes girls. All she knows for sure is that she would do anything for Lexa to be safe and happy.


"Hey, Woods! We're done for tonight, you're good to go. You've been working too hard." Raven tells her from the doorway to Lexa's office.

"You can go ahead, Raven. I have a few things to finish up."

"That can wait for tomorrow. C'mon, let's walk out together." Raven insists as she walks closer.

Lexa looks up from the computer screen and ponders her next argument. "Fine, but I'll take these papers home with me to finish."

"Nope! No way, we're leaving." Raven gets closer to Lexa's desk and shuts the laptop closed. "And all this is staying here. You are going to go home and relax. None of this work stuff."

Lexa huffs but pushes her chair away from the desk anyway. "Okay, boss." Lexa says with a hidden smile.

Raven smiles at the playful jab and watches Lexa put her stuff away. Raven really hopes that Clarke is able to get through to Lexa soon. She also thinks that her new employee has been working too much. Clarke's call the day before didn't help ease her worries either. Raven had no idea that her friend and Lexa weren't on the best terms, which is why she had agreed to help Clarke by not allowing Lexa to stay at work more than it was necessary.

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