6) You Scared Me

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After the discussion that Lexa and Clarke had, Lexa became a little closed off again. Clarke blamed herself for that. Maybe she talked to Lexa a bit harshly, which was not intended. She had just wanted Lexa to realize that she is not a weight on her shoulders.

For the rest of the day, they basically remained having a lazy day. Lexa stopped throwing up completely, a slight fever and headache remained that would cause her to take short naps. She also allowed Clarke to play with her hair because she loves the feeling, but she never said anything else.

Clarke fixed a late dinner a few hours later and brought it out to the living room, knowing that it would be less awkward to eat while watching a movie since Lexa stopped speaking. Clarke tried not to let it bother her that Lexa was practically avoiding any interaction with her now. She wouldn't look at her or spark a conversation, although, she would give her one-worded answers if Clarke asked her something.

At night when they are getting ready for bed, Clarke knocks on the guest room before letting herself in. "Lexa?" The brunette looks up to meet Clarke's gaze as she finishes pulling back the comforter. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Lexa nods and sits down on the bed, Clarke enters the room and sits next to her. The brunette doesn't say anything, so Clarke continues, "I'm sorry for earlier. For bringing up your past and for coming off too strongly after my friends called. My intentions weren't meant to hurt you or make you feel like a burden. I hope all can be forgiven."

Lexa doesn't know what to do other than look at Clarke in awe. She has usually been the person to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Never has anyone apologized so much to her and seem so affected by the way she feels. It almost makes her want to cry because there is finally someone who makes her feelings a priority. "There's nothing to forgive, Clarke. It's me who caused our argument earlier. And I know that I have caused way more problems than solutions and I hate that. I hate that because you have helped me so much and I haven't done anything for you in return."

"What can you do, Lexa? You're sick. You can't do anything right now but get better. But if you really want to thank me in a way for helping you, then stay here."

Lexa furrows her eyebrows, "How is that helping you? It sounds like more trouble."

"It'll help by keeping me company. This house is too big for one person anyway. Plus, it will give a home to someone who really needs it."

"I don't know, Clarke..."

"Look, like I said earlier, this is something to talk about another time, okay?" Lexa nods and fiddles with her fingers. "But I also came in here to tell you that I will go back to work tomorrow, if you're okay with staying here by yourself for a few hours."

"You trust me enough to leave me in your house by myself?" Lexa is appalled by this. That's really irresponsible of Clarke. Of course Lexa won't steal or destroy anything, but she worries that Clarke is too trusting and that someone could take advantage of that.

"Of course I do. You haven't done anything to break my trust."

"I haven't done anything to gain it either." Lexa counters.

"Would you prefer me to stay home again?" Clarke asks with a smirk.

"No, I know you have to go to work. It's just that I've never met anybody as trusting as you."

Clarke smiles, "Well I've never met anybody as trustful as you." Lexa rolls her eyes but still has a small smile on her face. "Will you be okay tomorrow?"

Lexa nods, "What time will you get back?"

"School is dismissed at 3:20, so I'll try to leave soon after. I will hopefully be home by four."

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