12) You Look Lovely

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Paints, brushes, and canvases are scattered everywhere in the spare room she uses as an art studio. Clarke decided that this weekend was the perfect time to finally start her painting for the school's showcase. As the art teacher, it was required of her to display her own piece along with her students'.

As Clarke mixes several paints to get the right color, she hears the front door open and close. Lexa had been out for a couple of hours. Clarke let her borrow her car so she could get some shopping done. Lexa had mentioned that she was going to go buy a new phone and some more clothes. Clarke offered her the car so the brunette would not have to rely on public transportation.

Lexa had been saving her money and now had enough to splurge a little. She thought it was about time that she bought a new phone and start on a phone plan again.

Clarke dipped her brush into the blue-purple paint mixture and added it on her canvas. She was painting outer space, the theme of the showcase being "Our Students Are Out of This World." Cheesy, but she was not the one to choose the theme.

The blonde is so focused on her painting that she doesn't hear Lexa walk up the stairs or leave the shopping bags in her room. "Clarke?" Lexa calls from the hallway.

Diverting her attention from the canvas in front of her, Clarke finally acknowledges Lexa. "I'm in here!"

The door opens slightly and the brunette peeks in slightly. "Hey, I'm back. Thanks for letting me borrow your car."

Clarke smiles at her and turns back to the painting, "Anytime. Did you find everything you were looking for?"

"Yeah. I just bought a couple pairs of jeans, shirts, and shoes. The usual. You're finally painting, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of running out of time. What do you think? Is it even good? I feel like it's pretty basic." Clarke asks as she steps back a bit and analyzes her painting.

Lexa steps further into the room and stands beside Clarke. "You haven't finished it, Clarke. I can't really give you my opinion yet." She chuckles.

"I know, but what do you think of it so far?"

"It looks great, Clarke. Relax, I'm completely sure that it won't be basic once it's done. None of your paintings that I've seen are basic."

Clarke laughs lightly and Lexa's heart swells a little at the sound, "Thanks. So you have a working phone now?"

"I do." Lexa says with one of the biggest smiles that Clarke has seen from her.

"Well let me see it." She says with a smile of her own as she puts down her paintbrush and turns toward Lexa fully. Lexa reaches into her back pocket and slips out her new phone. She hands it to Clarke and the blonde sighs. "I can't even remember my phone looking this new. I'm jealous."

With an eye roll, Lexa responds, "It's not even one of the newest models, but as long as it works, I'm happy with it."

"Still. My teacher salary does not allow me to splurge on the newest phones. I only buy new ones when I absolutely have to." Lexa hums in agreement. "You don't even have a password on it yet?"

"No. I literally just got it before I came back home. I haven't done anything to it." Clarke smiles at her mischievously and puts her attention back to Lexa's phone.

"What are you doing?" Lexa asks.

No response is given for a few seconds. Clarke types something in the phone and then holds it up in front of her as she smiles brightly. She then hands it back to Lexa. "I'm your first contact and picture. And I also sent myself a text so I can save your number." The blonde is still smiling big and seems so proud of herself.

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