19) This Is Really Just a Formality

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Clarke wouldn't admit it to Lexa, but she is actually nervous to call her mom and tell her about them. It's not that she thinks she won't approve — Abby is very supportive — Clarke is worried that she'll think that she is not ready. Abby saw how broken Clarke was after her last relationship. She's afraid that her mom will question her readiness and think that she might have rushed into a relationship too quickly.

But it's been two years! She's had plenty of time to heal, and with Lexa by her side, she feels invincible and better than ever. She's ready. She just needs to tell that to her mom.

Clarke is nervously biting her lip as she waits for her mom to pick up the phone. She is sitting on the kitchen stool. It's winter break at school already, so she's been home the last couple days.

"Hello?" Abby answers.

"Hi, Mom." Clarke says nervously and suddenly feels her heart rate pick up.

"Hey, honey. Everything all right? You don't usually call me around this time."

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just wanted to let you know that I'm looking forward to Christmas with you and that I'll make sure to bring something. You don't have to cook everything."

"Oh no, Clarke, it's okay. I've got it covered. It's not every day that my baby comes over for dinner. Plus, I want to make it extra special since I wasn't able to spend Thanksgiving with you. I only managed to get Christmas off. By the way, is Lexa coming?"

Clarke's heart stops for a second as her mother mentions Lexa. She wasn't ready to talk about her this early on in the conversation. "Uhh yeah, she's coming. She's really looking forward to it too."

"That's great! Haven't seen her in a while, is she still doing okay?" Clarke can hear the background noise from Abby's end, she recognizes all the typical hospital sounds. Clarke should've probably called her mom when she would be home instead of just a lunch break.

"She's still doing well, thanks to you. Those multivitamins that you recommended have been really good for her. She may look a little different from the last time you saw her."

"I bet, that was months ago. She was still recovering and her skin was pale. A bit malnourished but nothing that I couldn't fix." Abby chuckles at her own proud comment. Clarke's heart clenches when she recalls how sick Lexa was. She looked so frail and weak. Her cheeks were sunken, she had bags under her eyes, and she was even thinner than she is now. Clarke is glad that Lexa is healthier now.

"Mom.... I actually wanted to talk to you about her..." She pauses and waits for Abby to say something.

"Okay..." Abby says unsure. "Is it something I should be worried about?"

"No!" Clarke says instantly. "Of course not. Nothing to worry about."

Abby sighs into the phone. "Okay, then what is it?"

Clarke takes a deep breath and builds up the courage. It feels like she's coming out again, except now she's not in High School and her dad isn't here anymore either. "I know you were a little hesitant with me bringing Lexa to my house all those months ago, and rightfully so. But you gave her a chance and I think you really like her now, I mean, I hope you do. I've learned so much from her and she has become one of my best friends. She's been there for me just as much as I've been there for her. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not the same girl I was months ago. I feel better and.... not broken-"

"Clarke-" Abby tries to interject as her daughter rambles on.

"Basically what I mean is that it's all because of Lexa. She has made me realize my self-worth and that it's okay to have flaws or be hurt. That's it's okay to move on and live a better life. I-....She's my girlfriend, Mom. And I have never been happier. Ever. I know it might seem weird to you that we're in a relationship now, but I hope you come around to it. I really love her, Mom. She's become my everything and is such an amazing person. I know I had sworn off relationships and hated the idea of them, but she somehow snuck into my heart and I embraced her. I'm better because of her..." Clarke hadn't noticed that a few tears had stained her rosy cheeks and she wipes them away gently as she waits for her mother's reaction.

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