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*Corbyn's pov*

I can't believe she kept this sort of thing from me. She told Jack and not me. I've been here for her for nearly 14 years now and she can't even tell me what happened in her childhood but she can tell Jack after knowing him for half a year.
"Corbyn I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was just so afraid you would look at me differently and we were so young" Alexis grabs my hand and I see Daniel tense up
"It's fine" I slide my hand away from hers and she looks down as if it hurt her
"Daniel can I talk to you?" She looks at Daniel whose eyes grow wide
He nods standing up and Alexis grabs his hand placing a kiss on his cheek. They walk outside and I turn to Jack
"What did you do" I grab his shirt an pin him against a wall
"Corbyn!" Adalyn whispers loudly and tries to stop me
"What did you do to her to make her tell you" I snarl
"I asked her after we had sex" Jack smirks and I yell in anger
"Why because you still love the girl I fucked while you guys were gone?" Jack shoves me the devils smirk plastered on his face
"SHUT THE FUCK UP JACK" I punch him making Jonah tackle me to the ground while Alexis and Daniel run in
"Get off" I shove Jonah away and grab Alexis' wrist
"Did you fuck Jack?" I whisper and her eyes grow wide
"What n-n-no" She stutters
"Alexis" Adalyn stares at her in shock
"I didn't I swear!" Alexis yells
"You fucked my best friend" I murmur and pull my hand away as if she was infected
"Corbyn I didn't" Alexis looks at me with tears in her eyes
"Alexis?" Daniel looks down at her and she shakes her head
"No baby I promise I didn't" she puts a hand on his cheek
"Well then why would Jack say that you did" Zach pipes up
"What?" Alexis turns and stares at Jack who was holding a bloody lip
"We can't lie to them Alexis" Jack spits blood on the ground
"WE DIDNT FUCK" Alexis yells and Daniel pulls away from her
"Fuck you I knew I shouldn't of trusted you" he snarls
"And fuck You Jack Avery fuck you for fucking my fucking girlfriend while I was fucking crying over her" Daniel yells and walks out of the room
"You fucked Jack. You fucked my best friend while dating my other best friend" I stare at Alexis and she shakes her head tears sliding down her cheeks
"He took advantage of me Corbyn" Alexis grabs my arm but I rip away
"How could someone take advantage of a slut. I bet you wanted it" I growl and walk off with Christina behind me
"Baby she isn't worth it" Christina grabs my arm
"She is Christina. Alexis is worth more then a bucket of gold even a house made of gold" I shake my head
"Do you think I'm worth more then a house of gold?" Christina's lip quivers
"I....I don't know Chris" I whisper and Christina whimpers
"I always knew you loved her" she pulls away from me and walks off to her car
I put my head in my hands and look over at the house before turning on my heel and walking off down the road.

I don't know Chris" I whisper and Christina whimpers "I always knew you loved her" she pulls away from me and walks off to her car I put my head in my hands and look over at the house before turning on my heel and walking off down the road

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Well Jack and Alexis fucked up.
Literally.....hehehehe sorry not funny.
Cause I'm a dickhead i put the wrong date on the last chapter and I made it the eighth month.

My bully - Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now