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*Alexis' pov*

Corbyn and I were standing beside each other in front of our friends and family with wide smiles on our faces.
"Today we find out the baby's gender!" I squeal and Corbyn grins at me while Bambi sits at my feet
"Alright Let's go" Corbyn holds my hand and then we stand in front of each other with microphones.
|Corbyn | Alexis | both |

Take me back to the night, we met in the yard
Climbing up to the roof, hidden in the dark
With a bottle of wine for two, though I'm already drunk off you
Then we both fell asleep, underneath the stars

We're young and naive, and you're tellin' me
That someday we'll run off together
I'm startin' to think, I'm stuck in a dream
Cause we're young and we don't know better

Now I'm fallin' heavily, recklessly
Trying not to lose my sensibility
But gravity, it pulls me into you
We're just a couple of kids
We're just a couple of kids
Sneakin' out late for a kiss
Cause we're just a couple of kids

When I'm wrapped in your arms, I never feel a thing
Livin' life on a whim, it's never a routine
And it's troubling to live this way
When you never know where you'll stay
But we live and we learn, and I wouldn't change a thing

We're young and naive, and you're tellin' me
That someday we'll run off together
I'm startin' to think, I'm stuck in a dream
Cause we're young and we don't know better

Now I'm fallin' heavily, recklessly
Trying not to lose my sensibility
But gravity, it pulls me into you
We're just a couple of kids
We're just a couple of kids
Sneakin' out late for a kiss
Cause we're just a couple of kids
Cause we're just a couple of kids

Now I'm fallin' heavily, recklessly
Trying not to lose my sensibility
But gravity, it pulls me into you

We're just a couple of kids
We're just a couple of kids
Sneakin' out late for a kiss

Cause we're just a couple of kids

As we finish the song confetti bursts out and I look at the colour.
"A GIRL!" Corbyn yells spinning around and the boys tackle him in a hug
"Oh Marcie, you are gong to hate life" I giggle rubbing my stomach
Corbyn runs to me and kisses me gently. I smile into the kiss and everyone was smiling and taking videos.
"She is our little girl" Corbyn puts a hand on my stomach and kisses me again with much more passion
"Imma be a uncle to a girl" Harry grins slightly and I ruffle his hair
"16 and already a uncle" I smile slightly and Harper walks over to us
"Congrats" he smiles widely and I tackle him in a hug
He moved into a house and brought his own family over so we didn't see him much. He currently was in a boarding school so he hardly got out.
"Holy fuck! Harper!" I squeal holding him tightly and he laughs
"I missed you too" he murmurs
"How's school?" I smile at him tightly and everyone was busy talking
"Like school, it's a lot more stressful though" he shrugs and Harry tackles him
"You dick! Why wouldn't you call me or text me that you were here!?" The boys start to wrestle and I roll my eyes walking away to let them muck around and have fun.
"Time to open presents!" Corbyn squeals like a five year old on Christmas and I roll my eyes as he runs into the house
Today is gonna be a long day.

It's a girl! Marcie Aura Besson is on her way

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It's a girl! Marcie Aura Besson is on her way.

My bully - Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now