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*Alexis' pov*

It's the next day. I'm sitting on my couch while Harry watches spongebob on the tv. I stare at my hands thinking of last night. I made Corbyn cheat on his girlfriend. I'm not a friend to Corbyn I'm just a fuck buddy. I have never actually meant anything to Corbyn.
"Harry we are going to see the boys" I smile at him as he jumps up squealing
"JACKY!" He yells spinning around
I get him into the car after a lot of arguing and yelling.
"Harry I have something for you" I smile at him and he squeals again clapping his hands
"TOY TRUCK!" He yells vigorously
"No" I laugh pulling the blankey out of the glove box and his eyes light up.
"BLANKEY!" He screams reaching for it
I let him take it and he pulls it to his chest. We arrive at the house and Harry dives out mumbling Jack while running towards the house.
"HARRY" I hear Jack shout
To my surprise the front door was wide open. I walk through pulling it closed and Adalyn smiles at me. I look at Corbyn and he was busy making it with Christina. I roll my eyes and then Harry bellows.
"SHE IS UGLY" he points at Christina
"You should be with Lexi" he mumbles walking to my side
"Control your little rat Alexis, I might have to exterminate him" Christina smirks and everyone sucks in a breath
"Jack take Harry into the other room" I whisper
Jack grabs Harry running away while pretending to be a rocket ship.
"Alexis think this through" Adalyn walks to my side but I glare at her
"What's your problem with me Christina" I snarl
Corbyn steps away from Christina and walks to Jonah who was behind me protectively.
"Well let's see, you are a slut, you're ugly, you try to steal my boyfriend and your little brother is a pest" Christina let's out a mechanical laugh
It takes all the strength in my body to not claw her brains out. The other thing that held me back was the fact she didn't have a brain.
"You are crossing the line Christina" Corbyn growls
"You are siding with her? You call her a slut all the time Corbyn" Christina sighs
"That's not what he was calling me last night"
Everyone goes silent and i hold back a little gasp. The words had slipped off my tongue and I could see Christina's eye turn to fire.
"What did you just say" she steps forward
"Corbyn" I whisper
"Christina I slept with Alexis last night, and I have slept with her before" Corbyn walks in front of me
"WHAT" Christina screams
She lunges at Corbyn but I dive at her tackling her to the ground. I hold her throat and press her into the ground slightly smirking at the fear crossing her face.
"Don't touch him. Ever" I snarl
She squeaks and I stand up. She gasps for air but then her leg swings colliding with mine and sending me crashing to the ground. Her hands close around my throat but Adalyn pounces on her. Adalyn drags her away giving me time to stand up and gain back some air.
"Do you know how long I kept quiet about liking Corbyn? I did for half my life Christina all because of you" I hold my throat and Corbyn stares at me intensely
"So you decide to try and steal him now since we are out of school" Christina growls but Adalyn pulls on her ear making her squeak
"I am not trying to steal him. It's not my fault he always comes to me when he needs a fuck buddy" I push a hair behind my ear
"YOU STUPID SLUT" Christina screams diving at me
Her body was on top of mine. Her hands around my throat pinning me to the ground. My vision starts to blur but then she gets ripped off me.
"LEXI" Harry screams running towards me
His little arms wrap around my neck and he starts sobbing into the crook of my neck.
"Christina leave" Corbyn snarls
"What?" Christina frowns
"Don't touch Alexis like that ever again. Don't speak of Harry that way. And don't ever think of coming back into this house" Corbyn hisses
Jack runs to me and takes Harry while Daniel lifts me up and holds me in his arms.
"FUCK ALL OF YOU" Christina shrieks
She storms towards the door and I watch Harry follow her quietly. She reaches the door and turns to look at us all.
"Don't let the door hit your face on the way out" Harry smirks slamming the door in her face.
We all hear a light crunch and then screams and then the door starts getting pounded on. Harry squeals running to me and I pull him up into my arms while every watches him proudly.
"Good work Hazza" Corbyn walks over ruffling his hair
"Corby!" Harry pulls Corbyn closer and Corbyn's face was inches from mine
"Like a happy family" Adalyn smiles and I blush
I put Harry down and everyone surrounds him giving him high fives or compliments.
"Harry you little legend!" Jack picks him up and spins him around
Harry squeals and then I watch as Daniel walks out the back door. I look at Corbyn and he nods as he looks at the back door as well. I walk out to find Daniel on the back chair crying lightly.
"Dani" I run over and wrap my arms around him.
"Why does everyone hate me?" He looks up at me with swollen red eyes and my heart sinks.

 "Why does everyone hate me?" He looks up at me with swollen red eyes and my heart sinks

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Dani :( <3
- T

My bully - Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now