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*Harper's pov*

He wouldn't feel the same way.

He likes girls.

He doesn't like losers.

"Harper?" Confusion flows through Alexis' eyes as she stares at me
"I'm fine" I smile softly but my eyes drift to her younger brother.
His smile sends butterflies into my stomach and then he laughs. The butterflies suddenly have hammers and are attacking me.
"You like him?" Alexis whispers making sure to draw no attention to our conversation
"W-w-hat?" I stutter looking at her in shock
Am I too obvious?
"It's fine Harper, I won't tell" Alexis sits down and smiles at me softly
"He doesn't like boys" I murmur looking at the ground
"You don't know that, he hasn't had a girlfriend, he went to hang it with a girl after the first few days of being here but he never went out again" Alexis looks at her brother and then at me
"You will just have to throw in the bone and let it sit, he might take it" Alexis kisses my cheek then walks to her husband who kisses her passionately
Marcie finally came home and they haven't been happier.
"Hey" Harry sits beside me with Marcie in his arms
Imagine if that was our children
My eyes widen at the thought and I mentally smack myself. We are 16 years old and I'm thinking of children with a guy that doesn't like me.
"She's adorable"
It was all I could get out
"Yeah she is, she looks just like Alexis" Harry looks at his sister proudly then looks at me
"I'm glad you came with us Harper, I don't know what I would do without you" Harry grins and the butterflies start up again
This time with freaking guns.
"I'm glad I came with you guys too" I smile and look at my hands
"We should go to the park, might see some hot girls" Harry winks and immediately the butterflies disappear
Stupid Harper
Thinking he has a chance.

Someone literally commented about these two being together and I had been thinking it since they moved to Los Angeles together

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Someone literally commented about these two being together and I had been thinking it since they moved to Los Angeles together.

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