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*Alexis' pov*

I watch as Bambi bounces around still in her puppy moments. She was only 4 months old and she was growing faster then I could blink.
"Hey babe" Corbyn kisses me softly and I smile
I stand up and Bambi follows close behind as I walk into the kitchen. I pull out some eggs and crack them into a bowl. The smell wafts up my nose and immediately I clamp my hand over my mouth.
"You okay?" Corbyn frowns and I shake my head
I run into the bathroom and vomit into the toilet. Corbyn runs in tying my hair into a ponytail and he rubs my back as I vomit. Finally I pull away and lean against his legs as he was sitting on a little stool I had to use to get stuff out of the cupboard.
"Maybe you are sick" Corbyn places his hand on my forehead and I shrug
"I don't know but I need to lie down" I murmur and Corbyn helps me up
"You aren't looking so good" Corbyn holds my wrists and I blow out a shaky breath
"I think it might be good poisoning, it's fine I'll just make some soup and have some medicine" I turn and brush my teeth so I wouldn't have the vomit taste in my mouth.
I sit down and Corbyn takes over the cooking by urging up vegetables and then he grabs some steak. The raw meat smells floats up my nose and I run to the bathroom vomiting once again. I brush my teeth walking out and Corbyn was watching me with worried eyes.
"I'm gonna go in to the doctor, call one of the boys over to keep you and Bambi company, I'll take one of the girls with me" I kiss Corbyn softly and he shakes his head
"I want to come with you" Corbyn grabs my wrist and I shake my head
"I'll message you okay, call over Jack and I'll take Gabbie with me to the doctors" I kiss Corbyn again and he sighs giving in
"I love you" Corbyn yells as I walk towards the door
"I love you too" I smile softly and close the door behind me


Gabbie and I stand in the female aisle of the pharmacy and I can't help but fiddle with the keys to our home.
"You have the symptoms babe, you said it yourself" Gabbie rubs my arm and I nod
"I've had mood swings, morning sickness and I keep getting dizzy" I mumble to myself
"It might not be it and you could just be sick, that's why you need to take a test" Gabbie grabs a clear blue pregnancy test and I nod softly letting out a shaky breath
I pay for the test and she drives me back to the house. I make sure to hide the test from everyone and Gabbie rushes me to her room. I go into the toilet and do the deed on the stick and then put the cap back on it. I hand it to Gabbie and she puts it in the box to hide it from us.
"5 minutes, that's all you have to wait" Gabbie grips my hand and I nod softly
I stare at my hands watching them shake. Are Corbyn and I ready to be parents? We have been married for two months now and we both settled into a house of our own.
"You guys are ready Alexis" Gabbie murmurs as if she could read my mind
"What if he doesn't want the baby?" I look at Gabbie and she frowns
"He set up a baby room before you guys were even Married. He is more then ready Alexis" she squeezes my hand and then the timer goes off
"You look" I murmur and Gabbie grabs the test
"Lex" she whispers and looks at me
I look up at her and tears fill her eyes.
"You are having a baby" Gabbie gasps out
"I'm having a baby?" I let out a shaky sob and bury my face in my hands
"You are going to have a baby!" She hugs me softly and I shake my head tightly
"I can't be ready! I'm only 23" I murmur wiping tears off my cheeks
"You and Corbyn are ready Alexis. No matter the age" Gabbie grins and I can't help but smile
Corbyn and I are going to be parents.

 No matter the age" Gabbie grins and I can't help but smile Corbyn and I are going to be parents

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They are going to be parents!!

My bully - Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now