Chapter Nine

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to the sound of Harry breathing next to me. He was so adorable! He usually gets up quite late so I decided to get my phone out and go on my twitter. I went to my page and had 20 thousand more followers then I did last week. Wow and the majority of them were Directioners. I looked at my mentions to see people saying me and Lou would make a good couple I felt myself smiling at that, but there was also tweets saying I was to ugly to be friends with the boys and I didn't deserve to be friends with them. It didn't really bother me though. I went on the home page and one of the trending tweets was Louis love triangle. I thought it was quite weird so I clicked it and there was a photo of me and Lou hugging and one of Lou and Katie hugging. I actually started laughing at it. Directioners think Lou likes me. Boy are they wrong.

"What are you laughing at babe?" came a familiar voice which I straight away recognised to be Harry's.

"Nothing" I smiled back. "I'm just on twitter." He got up and hugged me from behind. I personally think it's the best way to be hugged so I couldn't keep the smile of my face.

"If they say anything mean it's just cause they're jealous," he said while kissing my cheek. I turned around to look at him. His her was all messy and he had no shirt on. He was perfect. He looked at my phone to see the photo I was looking at. He looked at me awkwardly.

I shrugged and said "They make up so many rumours," He smiled and kissed my lips.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"I don't know" I smiled. I was just in a really good mood.

We got up and got dressed before going into the kitchen. Katie was in there with Louis. The smile left my face. Something about this girl just pisses me off. Or maybe it's her in general. "Hey" Lou greeted cheerfully. Me and Harry gave enthusiastic greetings back. Katie said "Hey" simply. She was not a very happy person. How did her and Lou get along so well?

"What are you doing today?" Asked Harry.

"Well we are thinking about going Ice skating, You guys should come." Said Lou with a smile.

Harry looked at me and asked me if I wanted to. I nodded and he said "Yeah we will come." Katie shot me a dirty look. Why did she hate me so much. I never did anything to her. If she was going to be dating my best friend wouldn't it be in her best interest to be friends with me?


We got to the ice rink and Harry and I skated off as soon as we got on. Me and the boys got ice skating quite a bit. Katie on the other hand couldn't skate so Louis stayed with her to help. Sucks to be him. Me and Harry skated hand in hand around the ring. I turned my head to see Katie dragging Louis to the floor as she fell over. I let out a small laugh and Harry turned to see what I was laughing at.

"You're evil," He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. Race you round the ring" I replied while letting go of his hand and pushing off.

I met him back where we started. He came racing behind me. "You cheated," He said.

"No i'm just better." I said seriously but ended up laughing.

"You're cute," he said. "So I let you win." I laughed.

"You're an idiot." I replied. "I won on my own." I let out a small giggle.

He pulled me into his arms almost knocking me to the floor.

Louis' POV

So ice skating, maybe not the best idea. Sophie and Harry were off having fun and Katie, well she didn't know how to skate. Most of the time I was helping her. I really wanted to ride of and skate with the others but what kind of boyfriend would do that?

"Louis I'm going to get a coffee" Katie said sweetly. "I'll be back soon."

"Ok love" I replied. I skated off to where Harry and Sophie were. They were holding hands and skating. It really was the cutest thing. But I wasn't happy for them. I am feeling like the jealous 3rd wheel at the moment. I loved my best friends. Just not together. Don't ask me why 'cause I can't even figure that out. I also didn't know why I was feeling like the 3rd wheel since I had my girl friend. She was gorgeous and sweet and nice and stuff, but I was jealous of Harry and Sophie's relationship. They had banter and they were always laughing. It's how I pictured myself and Katie. If I tease Katie I fear she might rip my head off. Even though she seems so sweet and innocent.

I raced up to Harry and Sophie and pulled them apart grabbing onto each of their hands so I was in the middle. "Louis" They said in unison.

"Miss me?" I replied.

"Yes! Boo bear, I thought I was going to die without you. Sophie doesn't give me the support you do babe." he said sarcastically. I let out a chuckle.

Sophie laughed too. "Where's Katie?" She asked. Oh yeah I forgot about her.

"She's getting a coffee," I said with a smile.


Harry's POV

We got home a bit after 12 and the boys and I had a concert at 3 so we had to go to the arena. The girls were given front row seats. I literally had the best day today. Being with my girl friend. Yes I can call her my girl friend finally, and my best friend Lou. Life is good. I'm still not sure about Katie though...

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