Chapter Seventeen

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Sophie's POV

It had been three days since Louis and I admitted our love for eachother. I don't really know what our relationship is. I mean he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him but he didn't exactly ask me to be his girl friend so I don't know how to act.

I started making myself a cup of tea when I heard someone at my door. "It's Harry open the door." Said Harry.

I opened the door and was pulled into the biggest hug I had ever gotten.

"So how are you and your boyfriend going." He said emphasising the word boyfriend.

"Ummm." I mumbled. "Well we aren't really dating."

"Wait.. What? But I thought-"

I cut him off. "Yes we kissed and told eachother we loved one another but no he didn't ask me out." I replied with a sigh.

"Oh." He paused. "He told me you were his girlfriend.."

"I don't really know what's happening with everything right now." I replied truthfully.

I walked into my room and decided to check my twitter.

There was a few things about me on it.. It was a little weird seeing mine, Louis' and Katie's faces in articles. I honestly have no idea how Louis' going to explain this whole love story. I guess it was a bit of a love triangle.

Harry walked in the room to see me lying on my bed on my computer. "So anyway," He began. "Louis wants us all to go out together. Like you, me, the boys and Dani."

"Ok where are we going?" I asked.

"Not sure yet but we will pick you up at 5 and just dress casual." He replied before kissing my cheek and leaving.


3 hours later I decided to head over to Louis and Harry's since it was 4:30 and I still had time. I had decided on going casual and just wore a pair of denim jeans and a floral singlet paired with a light grey cardigan and my black vans.

I was so excited to get there to see Louis so we could clear up the whole relationship thing. I hope he decides to make it actually official it will feel so much better that way.

When I got there I saw someones car was there. I didn't really know who's car it was but I had seen it before. Maybe Harry's ex girlfriend or something I thought.

When I got to the door I heard a girl with Louis screaming random things. Seriously. He couldn't be with another girl already. 'But I love you Louis' an annoying high pitched voice yelled. Her voice is so annoying. It's ear piercing. I rang the door bell furiously. Louis told me he loved me but he was already with another girl.

After waiting around 30 seconds Harry opened the door.

"Oh.. Sophie hi, you're early" He said.

Ignored him and made my way to Louis room. He was standing near the door and on his bed lay Katie. He lied to me. He told me he loved me. He told me he broke up with Katie. Yet here he was in his room with his supposedly ex girlfriend.

His hand was pointed towards the door and as soon as he saw me it dropped.

"Sophie, so nice to see you again." Said Katie sarcastically.

"Yeah fantastic." I replied in an annoyed tone.

I looked at Louis. I am honestly so disgusted. I came here with high hopes of making 'us' official, but now I just want to slap him in the face.

I would hit him but I can't. I just can't. I love him and he just keeps hurting me. I need to get out of this house. I looked at Katie and felt the urge to punch her. "Have fun." I said to her.

I then turned to Louis and said, "I hope you're happy." I saw his face drop. Tears formed in my own eyes. Before he could see them I slammed the door shut and walked out.

On my way out Harry stopped me. "Sophie, wait. Where are you going?"

"I - I thought he loved me. I mean I- I know we aren't officially dating but I feel like he just cheated on me. He lied to me. He is still with Katie. I'm not coming tonight." I mumbled out before opening the door to leave. "Don't try and get me to." I added before closing the door.

Just when I thought my life was finally good. This happens.

Tears poured down my cheeks while I walked back to my flat. My phone rang non stop but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. He didn't love me. If he did he wouldn't have done it, Or he atleast would have come after me.

I ran into my house and looked down at my phone. 5 missed calls from Louis, 2 from Harry and 1 from Danielle.

My phone rang once more an it was Danielle so I decided to pick it up.

"Hey babe, Just wondering what are you wearing tonight?" She said into the phone.

"I- I'm not going." I sobbed into the phone.

"Sophie, are you crying? What happened. I'm coming over now. Me and you can have a girly time and you can tell me all about it." She replied with a worried tone.

"Ok." I sighed into the phone.

It would be good to speak to Dani. She didn't even know about me and Louis. She didn't even know that me and Harry broke up. Neither did the rest of the boys. I've got a lot of explaining to do.

After a while Danielle knocked on the door. "Soph? Let me in." She said.

I opened the door and as soon as I did she pulled me into a massive hug. We both sat on the lounge and she asked me what happened.

I told her everything from the fake dating Harry to real dating Harry. Then I told her how Louis and I were supposedly in love and then he cheated on me.

She listened to me and said. "I knew it."

Out of all the things she could say she say's that. what does that even mean. "You knew what?..." I asked.

"You two, we all knew you liked each other." she replied.

"Yeah well I like him but he cheated on me and everything is just so complicated." I sighed.

"I'll get Liam or Harry to talk to him, he is so stupid if he doesn't realise how good you are." She said.

Honestly. I don't think I'm good enough for Louis. I wasn't pretty enough or skinny enough. He is an international superstar he deserves better. But so do I. I deserve someone who will treat me right, and someone who is faithful. Maybe I should just give up on finding love.

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