Chapter Twenty

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Louis' POV

Today I'm going to fix everything. I'm going to prove I'm faithful and then I'm going to sweep Sophie off her feet. Now how the hell do I do that?

Harry said he'd help me think of something but I feel I need to do this on my own. I made the mess, now I got to fix it.

All day I'd been lazing around on the couch thinking. I haven't thought of anything yet.

My phone buzzed on the table I front of me and I saw it was from a blocked number. Maybe it was Sophie... Maybe not...

I answered it to find the annoying high pitched voice that had ruined everything. That voice belonged to Katie.

"Hey Boo Bear!" She practically yelled.

"Err hi.." I replied coldly.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I lied because I didn't want to talk to her.

"Ok babe, love youuuuu!" She replied enthusiastically.

She loves me.. Oh that's awkward. "Umm bye" I said before hanging up.

Why did I even like her. I guess I just missed having a girlfriend but really did I have to date her. My girlfriend before her was Hannah. Hannah and I were so close but we broke up because of the trouble we had seeing each other.

They say you can't fall in love twice. If that's true I must have never been in love with any of my previous girlfriends because I am completely and utterly in love with Sophie.

Sophie's POV

I can't believe she called me again. Bloody hell this girl was pissing me off. Katie is literally the most annoying girl in the world. She is such a bitch. She has to have something wrong with her cause nobody in their right mind would threaten to kill someone.

I had thought about the whole situation. Louis was fully clothed standing by the door. Katie was the one on the bed. On her own.  Maybe Louis was telling the truth.. I guess this will be the day to prove it.


"Why are you here?" I asked whilst laughing.

"I don't know, I got bored." He replied sounding like a two year old.

"Well anyway i'm ready." I said.

He looked down at my dress then up to my eyes. "You look good, really good." He smiled.

"Thanks Haz!" I laughed.

*Ding Dong*

"Shit." I whispered to myself. I am actually nervous for this.

I walked slowly to my door. This is it Soph. You can do it. It's only Louis.

I opened the door and was greeted by a smiling Lou and bunch of flowers. Very cliche'.

"Hi Sophie, I want you to know that I am really sorry and I want to assure you that NOTHING happened between me and Katie that day." He said emphasising the word nothing.

I wasn't to sure but I sent a fake smile back at him.

"Well you two love birds better get going." Harry said from behind us.

I mentally thanked him for making things awkwarder then before. This was going to be a long night.


The whole car ride was awkward. Louis would talk and I would just give him short answers. I still didn't forgive him. This whole situation is getting annoying. I mean Louis and I have fought so much lately I kind of wish we could go back a few months were we just the best of friends. No Katie and no drama...  But I had the biggest crush on him. the only thing good that has happened lately is I finally had the courage to tell him my feelings.

"We're here." He smiled.

I looked around we were just in a park or something. No swings though.. Just grass.

He took my right hand and guided me along. It was already quite dark.

"Here we are." He spoke.

I looked down to see he had a cute picnic blanket and a few small things.

"It's a bit late for a picnic..." I said sounding a little weird.

He just smiled.

Louis' POV

Finally she talked to me! I was to happy to respond.

We sat down on the blanket and she looked very awkward. Ok it was time for me to explain.

"Sophie, I just want you to know that I love you. I love you more then anything and anyone in the world." Her lips turned slightly upward when I told her this.

"I think you are the most perfect human being in the world, even more perfect then Harry." I said causing a giggle to escape her lips.

"So why would I be stupid enough to let someone like you go? It took me so long to realise that I loved you, and when I finally got you I lost you." Her face turned into a sad smile as I spoke.

"Now I know you might not believe me and you might not even forgive me but I just want you to know that I would never go behind your back and do something like that. I love you." She faced me when I spoke. I saw tears on her face.

"Don't cry over me." I sighed. "I'm not worth it."

"Louis William Tomlinson." She spoke for the second time. "Would you shut up. You are worth it, you are perfect to me."

I was so happy! I know I will never be good enough for her. But does she even forgive me?

"And I forgive you." She said with more tears rolling down her cheeks.

I pulled her into my chest and kissed the top of her head.  How did an idiot like me, get so lucky?

Sophie's POV

As soon as he told me he loved me I knew I had to forgive him, I knew he was being honest before when he said nothing happened between him and Katie. Then he went on and it made all my emotions come back. The hate was gone and I loved him again. Although I always loved him it was just hidden.

SORRRRYYY I took so long to update to anyone who actually reads my story.. Thanks for 1500 reads <3 x

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