8) Acting Weirdly

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So I've decided until further notice that the next few chapters will be told by Yoongi's point of view. I wanted the story to flow right and for what I have planned, I need Jimin's thoughts to not be shown (Does that make sense?). So from now on, it's going to be Yoongi's point of view so don't get confused!
     I walked away, pissed at the situation that happened earlier. I was even more pissed at myself.

Yah, Min Yoongi! Why'd you say that you two were friends?! He probably thinks that I only want him as a sex buddy! Pabo!

"Yoongi Hyung!"

I turned around to see Hoeseok running towards me. We had the same first period and sat next to each other so it wasn't like I could avoid him. He draped his arm around me and smiled.

"What's up with you and Jimin? Y'all dating right?"

I scoffed at him.

"What makes you think that? We're just friends."

Although that was a major lie, I didn't want to tell Hoeseok that we were dating because I wasn't even sure if Jimin and I were even a thing or not.

Hoeseok laughed.

"Because 'just friends' don't look at each other the way you two did."

We got to class and sat down at our desks next to each other.

"If you know that we like each other, then why'd you throw yourself on him?"

I looked away from him with annoyance written all over my face.

"Well, to be honest Jimin is in my dance class. I saw him on the first day of school and he looked lonely so I wanted to befriend him. You know that I always try to make friends with people who seem lonely. Why? Are you jealous?"

Hoeseok smirked and poked my cheek. I swatted his hand away and frowned.

"Jealous my ass."
       The bell rang, indicating lunch time. Honestly, I didn't pay attention in any of my classes because I was busy thinking about Jimin.

Aish, what am I going to do now?

I walked past the doors to the cafeteria and exited the building to the back of the school. There was a huge meadow of flowers in the back of the school that most people don't know about so I spend every lunch time here instead. It was quieter and gave me time to think about the things in life and my worries. However, this time there was someone there, laying in the flowers. I started walking to the person, ready to pounce at him for disturbing my peaceful moment. As I got closer, I realized who it was. Jimin.

He laid in the flowers, humming to himself. The sun seemed to hit him in all the right places, making him look so beautiful.

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