1 - Bot Fights

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The ally roared with the cheering of a crowd as a sleek bronze robot stabbed a giant bulky bot right through the motherboard. The bulky bot fell to the ground and the bronze bot bowed, indicating the end of the battle. Yui's goggle's screen flashed the words "Victory!" and exited out of D.I.V.A. Cam and into normal vision.

"And the winner, by total destruction is... STEAMPUNK!" The crowd went wild as Yui stood up and held her bot controller up in the air in victory then collected her winnings from the announcer.

This Yui Otoir. She is an intelligent and pretty young girl. Usually, at school, she goes by the name Gizmo (courtesy of Fred), but in the bot fighting world, she goes by the name Steampunk. The name fits her well. From her goggles to her boots, Yui oozes the style.

"Who wants to challenge me before I leave my den?" Yui looked around. A few fighters hid their bot behind their backs, others left, and a few even broke their own bot so they couldn't fight. Yui chuckled and went to collect her D.I.V.A. bot.

"I'd like to try." A voice cut through the crowd. Heads turn to a boy that looks around Yui's age. He had spiky black hair and big brown eyes. "I have a robot..... I built it myself." In his hands, he held out a rather small black bot with a round yellow smiley face painted on. It looked like it was being held together by magnets. Everyone laughs at him except for Yui.

The announcer laughed at him and put her hands on her hips, "Beat it, kid! House rules, you gotta pay to play."

The boy rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a wad of cash, "Is this enough?" The announcer eyes the money he held out and then held the pot out.

Yui stepped towards the boy and eyed him from his crooked teeth to his blue converse, "What's your name, kid?" She asked.

"H-Hiro... Hiro Hamada." Yui was confused for a moment. Hamada was the last name of her sister's fiancé. Yui recalled Aura saying that she was way too similar to Tadashi's little brother.

'This must be him.' She thought. Yui smirked then took out a few  bills from her pocket and held it up.

"Game on, Hiro. Let's see how tough that bot of yours is." She tossed the cash into the pot, set D.I.V.A. down in the starting stance, and sat cross-legged in her seat. Hiro copied her, only he did it in a dorkier manner.

The announcer opened a parcel in between the two bots, "Two bots enter, one bot leaves." Yui presser a button on the side of her goggles and activated her D.I.V.A. Cam, letting her see through her bot's eyes. Meanwhile, Hiro was trying to peek over the parcel, trying to get a better look at Steampunk. Her chestnut brown hair hung in waves, barely touching her shoulders. He couldn't get a good look at her entire face thanks to her goggles. "Fighters ready?" The announcer snapped Hiro's attention and nodded his head.

Yui's screen flashed "Game On!". She nodded her head, confirming she's ready. The announcer lifted and closed her parcel, "Fight!" Hiro's bot stumbles forward and Yui could only look at in pity.

'I feel sorry for this kid. I'll make this quick and painless.'

Yui changed the hand to a blade, charged her bot forward, and sliced the bot into three clean parts. Hiro's face was heartbroken as his bot parts fell to the floor of the ring. D.I.V.A. bowed and stood in her default stance as Yui's goggles flashed "Victory!" and "Record Time!"

'Poor kid' Yui thought 'I remember being a newbie.'

"That was my first fight... I-I...."

Yui turns off the D.I.V.A. Cam, "Sorry, kid. It's just business." She reached to collect her winnings.

"Can I try again? I've got more money." Hiro pulled a few more wads of cash from his pocket and held it up. The announcer gave Yui a look.

She shrugged, "Why the hell not. More money for me." Yui dug into her pocket, added a twenty and a five in the pot, and got back into battle position.

Hiro reassembled his bot into its default stance. The announcer opened and put her parcel between the bots and started the match, but this time Yui saw a confident smirk on Hiro's face, "Mega Bot, destroy." Hiro expanded his controller and the yellow smiley face on his bot turned to a red, angry one. It charged after D.I.V.A. with its arms spinning like a propeller.

Yui was shocked, but she maneuvered D.I.V.A. and avoided Mega bot.

'That S.O.B. tried to play me! In my den! I don't care if he's gonna be my brother, he's going down!'

The bot fight went on for hours, a lot of close calls were made, but eventually, both of the bot's batteries die and to call a tie, which extremely annoyed Yui. Both Yui and Hiro got the exact amount they gave. While Hiro calmly stuffed his pockets of cash, Yui grabbed her money and bot in a huff and stormed off into an ally. Yui put D.I.V.A. into her bag and waited until she saw Hiro try to cut through the alley. He almost passed when he was stopped short by his hood and was semi-choked. Hiro was pulled back, spun around, and roughly grabbed by the collar of his shirt.

Hiro's eyes widened when he saw the glint of the bronze goggles of Steampunk, "What the hell was that back there! No one tries crap like that on me, especially in my den! You're lucky I'm not handing you your ass on a silver platter. Unlike most bot fighters, I'm quite merciful." Hiro was incredibly intimidated the young fighter and was half expecting a slap across the face. Instead, Yui realized from Hiro's terrified, wide-eyed expression that she needed to chill. She let go of his shirt, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, Yui was surprised that Hiro was still standing across from her. 

She slid on a confident smirk, "With that said, your not a bad bot fighter. Maybe one day, you can come back and challenge me again. You know, if you have the guts." Yui lightly punched Hiro's shoulder.

Hiro chuckled and brushed off his jacket, "Thanks. That's a big compliment coming from the Steampunk!"

Yui shrugged, "Eh, I'm not that big of a deal. Just undefeated for, what, a year in a half." They laughed and Yui's attention shifted to the bot in Hiro's hands. She held out her hand, "Mind if I take a look?" Hiro clutched his bot protectively. He had heard of the excellent Steampunk and her non-cheating reputation, but when it comes to Bot fighting, he didn't know who he could trust.

"If you're scared I'm going to take you bot, you can forget about it." Yui said, "My D.I.V.A. is a winner. I wouldn't trade her for any bot in the world." Hiro eyed the other fighter skeptically, then handed her the Mega Bot.

Yui examined the bot closely, "Wow, magnetic bearing servos. Impressive tech to pull off for someone your age."

Hiro smiled and stood up straight. It felt good to get praise from an expert fighter like Steampunk, "Yeah, well I'm kind of ahead of the game. Can I see your bot?"

Yui let out a laugh and handed Hiro his bot, "Sorry kid, but I'll only let you see D.I.V.A. if we're both in a secure area with no shifty thugs around." Then something went off from Yui's pocket. She took out her phone and saw that it was a reminder that she needed to finish her latest project at SFIT.

Yui put her phone in her pocket, "Well, I gotta go. Stuff to do, schedule to keep, you know how it is." She slung her bag over her shoulder and gave Hiro a two finger salute, "See ya, Hiro." Off she went, down the alley and out of sight. Hiro stared down the alley like she was still at the end of it. Eventually, Hiro snapped out of it and went to his next fight in Good Luck Alley, thinking of when the next time he would see the infamous Steampunk.

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