Bonus! Different

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Happy Birthday to My Hiro.
About a year ago I started to write this book and develop Yui Otori and all of her glory. To celebrate this, I have decided to post a chapter that I have titled "Different". There isn't really much to say so I'll just stop talking here.

“Could you repeat that, please?” Monika asked as she held her 4-month-old daughter on her lap.

“Mrs. Oswald, there appears to some unusual activity on your daughter's neurological scan. Some sort of brain abnormality is the usual cause, but we can’t be certain what it is until we investigate further.” The doctor said.

Monika’s husband, Daniel spoke up, “‘Brain abnormality’? What the hell is that supposed mean!”

“Well, Mr. Oswald, it can mean many things. Yui could have a deficiency in different parts of her brain. Perhaps it’s the development of her brain. As I said, we can’t be certain until we run further tests.”

“And how long would that take?” Monika asked.

“A few weeks, a month at the most.” The doctor assured the two, “We can schedule a test for next week if you’d like, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald.”

Monika stood and secured her baby on her hip and grabbed a diaper bag, “That would be great. Daniel dear, would you do that. I think Yui needs a new diaper.”

Monika went to the women's restroom and set Yui on the changing station. When she started to take off her clothes and changing her diaper. As she was putting on the new diaper, Monika sang Yui started to laugh and clap her hand.

Monika smiled and held her little hand, “You're going to be just fine.”


“What did you just say!” Monika yelled.

“A divorce! I want a divorce. Honesty Monika, it’s not something to get so hysterical about.” Daniel scoffed.

“Nothing to get hysterical about’!? Getting a medium rare steak instead of rare is nothing to be hysterical about. This is our marriage, I have every right to be hysterical.”

“You have to admit, we’re growing apart.”

“And you decide to bring this up now! After five years and two kids! What on Earth makes you want to….” Monika paused then her face contorted with sadness and realization, “It’s Yui… isn’t it?”

Daniel was silent, “There could be something seriously wrong with her. I don’t want to see her suffer.”

Monika looked at him for a minute. It didn’t take long for her to see right through him, “You don’t want to raise a mentally disabled child.” Again, silence, “Oh my god, Daniel Oswald! This is our daughter! No matter what she does or who she becomes we are supposed to give her the love and care that she needs, no, that she deserves!”

“How can I do that if I don't know how to care for her! I’m thinking about what's best for her!”

“No, you’re not! If you were thinking out about what's best for her then you would be considering anything else but divorce! You would try to understand how our daughter is going to be different. You’re only thinking about what’s best for you and not even waiting to see what’s wrong with Yui. That’s being a fucking coward.”

Monkia was finished and she was an utter mess. She knew that Daniel had changed over the years. He used to be spontaneous and loving, now he was distant and kind of moody.

“At least let me see Aura.” Daniel finally said.

Monika glared at him, “You don't want anything to do with one of them, then you want nothing to do none of them.”

“Oh come, Monika! You're being childish!”

“I'm being childish! You want to deprive one of your children of a father!” This went on for a while. Eventually, the arguing stopped when they hear a baby fussing.

Monika went to check the nursery and saw Aura holding Yui and soothing her in the rocking chair.

“Aura, what are you doing out of bed?” Asked quietly and took the baby out of her little arms.

“I heard you and daddy yelling. Then I heard Yui crying. I remembered how you were comforting her, so I tried it by myself. It worked!” Aura said.

Monika put a finger to her lips, “Well done, honey, but she'll wake up if you're not quiet.”

“Sorry, mommy.” Aura said. She followed her mother to the crib where she laid her sister down to sleep,”Mommy?”

“Yes, sweetheart.”

“Why were you and daddy yelling? I’ve never heard you yell like that.”

Monika looked down at her little girl, then at her baby girl, “Mommy and Daddy worried about your sister. Your Daddy is scared and I am trying to see the positive side of this.”

“What’s wrong with Yui?” Aura asked.

Monika sighed, “Well… the doctor said there is something strange going on in Yui’s brain, but they haven’t figured out what it is yet.”

Aura looked down at her sister. She didn’t see anything wrong with her. Yui seemed like a normal baby. “Maybe the doctors are wrong.” She said.

Monika looked down at her innocent little child and smiled. She ruffled her hair, “Do you want to help me sing your sister to sleep?”

Auras eyes lit up and she was about to scream yes, but she calmed herself, “Yes, but quietly so she doesn't wake up.”

And so, they sang together (Aura almost falling asleep in the process) and Monika carried Aura to her room.

“Mommy, why is our last name Oswald? Is something special about it?” Aura asked her mother as she tucked her in.

Monika was taken back by the question, but Arua was always a curious child, “No, not particularly. Our last name is Oswald because I married you daddy and had it changed. Then we passes the name down to you and your sister."

"Wait, so your last name wasn't always Oswald!?" Aura asked shocked.

Monika smiled, "No, my last name was Otori. It was my name before I married your father.”

“Wow, that name is way cooler than Oswald!” Aura said.

“Well… If you could, would you want to change your last name to Otori?”

“Yes, but we would probably have to ask daddy first.”

Monika sat on her knees next to her daughter’s bed. This would probably be the last night before Aura’s little world would come crashing in front of her. Monika’s chest burned this anger and stress.

She kissed Aura’s forehead, “Dream sweetly tonight, my dear. I love you so much.”

“Night, mommy. I love you, too.” Aura rolled over and closed her eye, falling into sleep.

That night Aura had the best dream ever. She dreamt of a boy… with dark hair and a kind heart. A boy who saw the good in the world, and who would care for his know-it-all brother as she would care for her sister.

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