7 - The Aftermath

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"So let me get this straight. A man in a kabuki mask attacked you two with an army of miniature flying robots." The very out-of-it police officer said looking between Yui and Hiro as Baymax stood off to the side.

Yui nodded and pointed to the Petri dish in Hiro's hand, "Microbots!" She corrected.

The officer corrected the report on his computer, "Microbots."

"Yeah, he was controlling then telepathically through a neuron cranial transmitter!" Hiro explained.

The officer gave them a yeah-sure look, "So Mister Kabuki was using ESP to attack you two and balloon man?" He nodded over to Baymax, who was using the tape on the desk to patch himself up.

The officer pushed the tape dispenser towards the robot, "Did you file a report when your flying robots were stolen?"

Hiro ran his hands through his hair "No! I thought they were all destroyed. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Baymax was there too."

"Yeah, tell him Baymax!" Yui said as she pulled Baymax toward the police desk.

"Yes, Officer. They are telling the truUuUuUuTh......" Baymax started to explain, but then he hunched over and his voice became distorted.

"Baymax! What's wrong." Yui asked.

A red battery life sign flashed on Baymax's chest with one bar, "LoW bAtTeRy...." Baymax's eye twitches and he waves, "I aM... HeAlTh CaRe... PeRsOnAl... BaYmAx!"

Hiro rushes to keep the health care companion up, "Try to keep it together,

The officer sighs and shakes his head at the sight in front of him, "Look kids, why don't we call both your parents and get them down here."

Hiro looks up from under Baymax, "What?!"

As the officer turn to get something, Yui grabbed Hiro and Baymax's arm, "Screw this. Let's bolt." They walked out of the police station.

They stopped outside to hold up Baymax before he falls face first on the ground.

"We got to get him back home to his charger station." Hiro says as they both carry the robot.

Yui nods in agreement, "Yeah, we need to sober him up ASAP." She looks up at Baymax, who almost fell on top of her, "Can you walk?"

"I WiLl sCaN yOu NoW, sCaN cOmPlEt." He sprung up off of Yui and landed flat on his semi-inflated bottom. "H-h-HeAlTh CaRe."

~Le Time Skip brought to you by angel Tadashi and Aura~

Hiro pulled Baymax into the house and Yui quietly closed the door.

"Okay, if Cass asked what we did. We the three of us were at school all day." Hiro coaxed Baymax.

"We JuMpEd OuT a WiNdOw!" Baymax said rather loudly.

Yui shhed Baymax, "You can't say that stuff around Cass! Both of you, act natural." She pointed at Baymax and Hiro. Hiro nodded and they head upstairs

After Baymax fell face first on the stairs, Yui and Hiro heard Cass call for them, "Hiro? Yui? You two Home?"

Yui and Hiro looked at each other, then Hiro answered, "Yeah, that's right!"

"I thought I heard you two." Cass said as she leaned over the counter and sees Hiro and Yui leaning on the railing with big smiles plastered on their faces. "Hey, Aunt Cass." Hiro said.

Cass looked proudly at her nephew, "Aw, look at my little college man. I can't wait to hear all about it! Wings are almost ready." Cass said as she turned back into the kitchen and started tossing a bowl of fiery orange chicken wings.

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