12 - First Fight

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The team landed on the island and, despite the numerous complaints from Wasabi. They sliced their way into one of the buildings and stealthily crept down the hall. With the music accompaniment of Fred, "Harnessing the power of the sun with the ancient amulet they found in the attic. Mm-mm-mm, the amulet is green. Mm-mm-mm, it's probably an emerald."

"Fred, I will laser hand you in the face!" Wasabi yelled.

"Guys, be quiet.  We don't know what could be here." Yui said as she cautiously stepped down the hall.

"Any sign of him, Baymax!" Hiro asked.

Baymax looked around before stating, "This structure is interfering with my sensors."

"Great. Robot's broken." Wasabi said. Yui rolled her eyes, 'Would it kill you to not be such a negative Nacy for, like ten seconds.'

"Um, guys. You might want to see this." Honey Lemon says this and pushes a door to the side to reveal a giant dismembered structure of what looked like some sort of experiment.

"What do you think it is, geniuses." Gogo asked.

"I'm not sure." Hiro said as he examined the scene in front of him.

Yui looked and spotted a familiar symbol on the contraption. She tapped Hiro on the shoulder, "Look!  It's that symbol again. We must be close."

"Guys.", Honey once again stopped something.  Those time it was a red-lit booth. To Yui, it looked like some sort of observation deck.

The team of seven cautiously made their way to the observation deck. Hiro walked in and spotted a screen with the red bird symbol. Underneath the screen was some sort of control panel. Hiro pressed a button and it displayed multiple screens. Most were inaccessible, but others had a distressed team at the controls and a even more distressed Krei helping the team.

"Krei?" Yui questioned. The more they explored this place,  the more curious Yui got, and the more she felt like she was getting close to the identity of the man in the mask.  She pressed another button and reversed the footage. The farther back she went,  the more cameras became accessible.

She finally stopped the reverse and let the footage play out. Krei spoke as he guided a man in a general's uniform, "That's right!  We were asked to do the impossible... and that's what we did. We reinvented the very concept of transportation. I present... Project Silent Sparrow!" Krei gestured towards the contraption as the two holes glowed and sparked with energy. Yui's jaw dropped.

"Reinventing transportation"

A large contraption with two openings. She knew this was a teleporter. To confirm this, Krei demonstrated his invention by tossing the general's hat into the portal and one of the scientists/researchers caught it on the other end.

This was an amazing piece of tech. 'But if it's so amazing, why don't people use this now?' Yui thought. 'Something must have gone wrong.'

Just as the pod was about to take off,  one of the researchers spoke, "Sir, we've picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment field."

Krei looked at the screen and the general looked concerned, "Mr. Krei, is there a problem?"

Krei looked at the screen, then the general, "No, no problem. Everything is well within the parameters, let's move forward." Yui sighed and shooked her head. She remembered what Professor Callaghan said the night of the student showcase, "Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he's is."

The footage continues to show the pod enters the portal and then the portal start to loose stabilization in the containment field. One of the portals explodes, cameras got sucked into the other portal as it started to consume itself. Eventually, the portal got shut down and the general was furious.

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