4 - The Student Showcase

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Today was the day, the San Fransokyo Institution of Technology's Student Showcase. Gogo, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred, Aura, Tadashi, and Yui were helping Hiro and pushing bins full of his new Microbots past dozens of new, shiny inventions and people testing and presenting them.

Tadashi looked around as he walked beside his fiance, "Wow, they've got some sweet tech here today."

Yui nodded in agreement as she pushed the recycling bin full of mini robots, "Yeah, it's improved a lot since I was in the showcase last year." She turned and faced Hiro, "So, How are you feeling?"

"You're talking to an ex bot-fighter. It takes a lot to rattle me." Hiro said, nonchalantly

"Yup, he's nervous." Gogo quipped. Fred and Honey Lemon tried to help, but their words on made Hiro more uncomfortable. This was his one and only chance to get into his dream school, of course he was nervous, but he didn't want that to show.

"Your tech's amazing, Hiro! Tell him, Gogo!" Honey Lemon turned to the short, dark haired girl.

"Stop whining. Woman up." , Gogo said as she casually blew a bubble.

"What do you need, little buddy?" Wasabi asked, " Deodorant, breath mint, fresh pair of underpants? "

Yui raised an eyebrow, "Underpants?"

"Hey, I come prepared." We all set parked the bins and Fred sat down, "I haven't done laundry in six weeks. A pair of underwear lasts me four days. I go front, I go back, I go inside out, then I go front in back."

Wasabi gagged and Tadashi turned to Fred and points at him, "Wow, that is both disgusting and awesome."

"Honey, don't encourage him." Aura said as she rubbed Tadashi's arm.

"Its called recycling." Fred was interrupted by the intercom telling them that Hiro was up next.

Honey Lemon got her phone out and grouped everyone together, "Okay, everyone say 'Hiro'!" She snapped a photo, then everyone dispersed and put the bins in place for the show.

"Alright, bro. This is it." Tadashi turned to his little brother and lifted his fist to bump. Hiro looked down at his blue Convers. Tadashi frowned and Aura put her hand on Hiro's shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Hiro looked at the couple will a desperate look, "I really want to go here."

Yui overheard Hiro and came from behind the two older siblings, grabbed Hiro by the shoulders, and looked him right in the eye, "Don't worry, Hiro. You're going to be great! Take it from someone who's been in your shoes, it's going to be better than you think it going to be."

Hiro smiled, "Thanks, Yui." He gave her, Aura, and Tadashi a quick hug and made his way to the stage waiting for him.

~Le Time Skip~

Everyone was astounded. Hiro's Mircobots were a huge success and attracted a huge crowd, which included Professor Callaghan and Alister Krei.

After the show, Tadashi ran up to Hiro and they did their handshake. Everyone else congratulated Hiro on how successful his show was.

"Hiro, that was amazing!" Honey Lemon said as she gave Hiro a huge hug.

Then a voice suddenly cut from behind, "Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary." They all turn to the voice which belonged to the richest man in San Fransokyo.

Hiro stared, "Y-you're Alister Krei."

Keri smiled, "Indeed." Keri held out his hand, "May I?", Hiro grabbed a Microbot from his pocket and handed it to Keri for him to examine.

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