0 - Prologue

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TW: Depiction of a murder Scene, Blood

"Mom, I'm going out with friends!" Aura, Yui's 15-year-old sister, called out down the hall.

Yui popped her head out of her room, "You mean a daaaate?"

Aura flicked her 8-year-old sister on the forehead, "No it's not! Just because Tadashi is gonna be there, doesn't mean it's a date! Don't you have a robot to work on or something?" Yui stuck her tongue out and went back to turning an old remote controlled race car into a robot avatar. Yui may have had the mental maturity of someone Aura's age, but she could act like a normal 8-year-old. You know, an annoying little brat.

Yui and Aura only had their mom since Yui was a baby. It was just the three of them living their little house in San Fransokyo and they all liked it that way. This was a simpler time in Yui's life.... but that was a long time ago.

Yui played music on her computer as she worked. Hours went by and she soon finished installing the motor. Yui leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath as her stomach imitated the whale mating call. She looked at the computer clock, it read 7:00 pm.

'Hmm, that's weird. Mom's usually done cooking dinner by 6.'

Yui stood up and went to the kitchen, but nothing was there. Yui was puzzled, her mom always, ALWAYS, had dinner ready by 6 or 6:30 depending on how long the dish took to prepare. Yui walked to her mom's room and raised her hand to knock on the door, but she stopped short.

"Please! Stop! Get off of me!" Yui's eyes widen as she heard her mother screaming for mercy from god knows what. All she knew was she had to do something, but opening the door might cause more trouble. Yui raced for the cell phone and dialed 911. Right as Yui finish speaking to the 911 lady on the phone, a blood-curdling scream rang out through the house. Her mind was going a thousand miles an hour as she rushed into her mother's room. All she saw was an open window, a bloody knife on the hardwood floor, and her mother, half dressed cover in bruises and a giant blood stain in the middle of her shirt, and it was getting bigger by the minute. Yui's face drained of color at the sight of the crime scene. She stared at the scene praying, hoping that this is a nightmare and that she would wake up at any second. Instead of waking up..... the doorbell rang. Yui stumbled to get to the door, but fell and blacked out.

When Yui woke up she was on an ambulance stretcher outside her house. She looked and saw her older sister on the sidewalk bawling her eyes out. Aura wiped away the tears when two paramedics came up to her.

Aura stood up, "Is my sister okay? Please tell me she's okay!"

"Miss, calm down. Your sister is alright. She just woke up." Aura slipped pass the paramedics and to the ambulance her little sister was by. She ran up to the stretcher as the paramedics removed an oxygen mask from Yui's mouth and sat her up.

Yui looked at her big sister in sadness in her eyes, "Mom is gone.... we're never going to see her again." Tears start to fall down Yui's face and on to the sheets of the stretcher. Aura wrapped her arms around Yui and stroked her hair as tears stream down her face. The two siblings embraced, all to be heard was sirens, and the two girls sobbing at the loss of their mother. That day, Aura made a vow. To protect and look after her little sister until the day she died. And, my dear readers.... she kept that promise

...... but we'll get to that later.

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