6 - The Man in the Mask

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After the funeral, Cass insisted that Yui come and stay with her and Hiro. At first, Yui was going to say she didn't want to be a burden, but she didn't have anywhere else to go, so she accepted the offer. So she packed up all of her things (plus some keepsakes from Aura) and moved into the spare room. After Yui got comfortable, she and Hiro have talked a lot to each and got a lot off of each other's chest. It was nice for both of them to have at least one person to talk to. After talking through things, Yui had a bit of a better time getting back on her feet. She has been eating meals and going to school and has been talking in class. Yui had not made up with her friends, though. She hasn't really given thought to it. Yui wants to wait until she done with the whole grieving process.

One day, Yui was riding her motor scooter back to the cafe. It was like any other day, the sky was clear, the traffic wasn't terrible, and Yui didn't feel like absolute crap. Okay, well there was one small difference... a big, soft, white robot looking down at a Petri dish walking down the street.

Yui pulled over to the side of the road, "Baymax!? What are you doing? Why are you active!?"

Baymax looked at the brown-haired girl, "I am trying to see where this tiny robot wants to go." Yui looked at the Petri dish and saw one of Hiro's Microbot, rolling and slamming into the side of the Petri dish.

Yui arched an eyebrow 'Wait, what?! But the Microbots were destroyed. It's this one faulty?'

Without warning, Baymax turn in walked away towards the direction the bot is trying to go. Before Yui could process what just happened, a frantic, out-of-breath Hiro came running down the street.

When he saw Yui, he stopped, "Yui! I'm so glad to see you! Baymax is on the loose!"

"Yeah, I noticed." She looked Hiro up and down. His hair was a disheveled mess (more than usual) and he was way out of breath. Yui patted the back seat of her scooter, "Hop on. I'll help you catch him."

Hiro sighed in relief and hopped on Yui's bike. She drove down the road, chasing a giant inflatable robot through crowds, behind trolleys, and rounding into allies. They were going a little fast, so there were a few close crashes, but Yui quickly maneuvered and got them back to follow Baymax.

Soon, they end up at an abandoned looking warehouse. Yui parks her bike and the two teens run up to Baymax.

"Baymax! Are you crazy?" Hiro asked

"Yeah, what were you thinking!" Yui exclaimed. As someone who paid with her own money for her scooter, almost crashing it multiple time was not fun for her at all.

Baymax turned to Hiro, "I have figured out where your tiny robot, wants to go."

Hiro sighed in exasperation, "I told you. It's broken! It's not trying to go..." he trailed off once he saw the Microbot, now in his hands, slamming into the side of the Petri dish, like if it slams itself hard enough, then it will break out. To confirm the Microbot was going in the direction of the warehouse, Hiro turns the Microbot away, but no matter which way he turn, the Microbot wanted to go into the warehouse.

Hiro and Yui looked at each other in confusion. They both know to Microbots were only attracted to themselves, but the other bots were destroyed in the fire. So, why did the Microbot want to go into the warehouse? They had to investigate.

Hiro looked at the door and examined the padlock on the door, "It's locked."

Baymax looked up at the warehouse, "There is a window." Hiro and Yui looked up and saw Baymax's statement was true. There was a window over a dumpster that was slightly open. The two teens looked at each other once more. They had the same idea.

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