13 - Everything

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Yui flew as fast as she could, soaring passed cars and kites and almost hit a building at one point, but she tracked him down. Yui landed just outside of the garage lab and walked in on Hiro taking off Baymax's chest plate to open his access port.

Yui walked up behind him, "Hiro, stop."

Hiro turned around and rolled his eyes, "I don't want to talk to you right now."

Yui took off her helmet, letting her mech wings fold in, "You're making a huge mistake." Hiro didn't turn around. He was still pretty upset with her, even if she did the right thing, "You're going to remove Baymax's health care chip and you're going to have him kill Callaghan. He wasn't made for this, Hiro.  Tadashi never wanted this!" Yui could feel herself getting frustrated and start to raise her voice.

"How would you know! You barely knew him!" Hiro spat.

Yui's jaw dropped at the accusation, "Excuse me, he was important to my sister so he is important to me! You asked me if he would be proud of us right now. Well, he would hate this! This is not at all what Tadashi--"

"Takashi is gone!" Hiro shouted right at Yui and once he let it out,  he leaned back onto Baymax as the tears started to fall, "Tadashi... is gone... and I'm never... going to see him again."

Right then, seeing Hiro so broken and lost, Yui climbed up the step latter and gave Hiro a hug. He hugged her back tightly, like if he her let go he would lose her too.

"Hiro." Yui said and she looked him right in the eye, "My mother was murdered." Hiro was confused at first. This seemed a little out of nowhere. Not to mention that whenever he would ask her about her mom, she would always change the subject.  This must be important if Yui herself brought it up.

Yui took a shaky breath and continued, "A man broke into our house...  And stabbed her." Yui started to tear up. Hiro reached to comfort her, out of habit at this point. Yui put her hand his and held it, "For so long... I wanted to man responsible to die... I wanted him to rot in the darkest pits of hell for what he did!" A lump formed in her throat. Yui never really talked about this with anyone before. This was harder than she thought.

Yui took a deep breath to calm herself, "And when he did die, I didn't feel any better. I was still hurt and felt broken. So trust me when I say... that killing Callaghan won't change the fact that our siblings are gone."

Hiro looked down at his feet. He gave a sad smile, "You really are a genius." He started to laugh, then laughing turned to sobs. Yui reached for him and rubbed his arm.

"Tadashi is here." Baymax said and looked down at the two. Then the screen on his stomach turned on an image of a young college student with a baseball cap covering his dark hair appeared, "This is Tadashi Hamada and this is the first test of my robotics project." Tadashi smiled cheerfully and activated Baymax off camera. Baymax started introducing himself then let out a loud, sharp feedback. Tadashi stopped the video immediately.

Hiro watched intently as Baymax continued to show different failed tests that ended in major malfunctions and a blackout. Then he showed test 84.

"This is Tadashi Hamada and this is my... 84th test." Tadashi sighed as he looked at his little sign, "What do you say, big guy." Tadashi turned on Baymax and started to function clearly and properly.

Tadashi looked in disbelief, "It works... It worked! This is amazing! Y-you work." Tadashi grabbed the camera and gave it a big kiss. Yui looked over at Hiro, who laughed and smiled at how dorky his brother behaved. Tadashi continued to dance around, celebrate,  and express how excited he was about how many people Baymax was going to help.

"Well, that's all for now... I am satisfied with my care." Yui turned to Hiro again. He was looking down with tears in his eyes. Yui took his hand and gave Hiro a reassuring smile.

"Okay, can I open my eyes now?" Yui froze and turned towards to screen. A female voice came from off-screen, "I'm going to end up tripping."

"You would really think I'd let you trip? I'm a little hurt, Aura." Yui looked wide-eyed as a college girl with long auburn hair and blue eyes came on screen with Tadashi behind her, covering her eyes. Tadashi looked up at the camera then down at Aura, "Okay, you can look." He lifted his hands from Aura's eyes and she looked up at the camera, "Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion. Hello, Aura."

Aura looked wide-eyed, "You... You got him to work! Oh babe, I'm so happy for you!" Aura hugged Tadashi and looked back at Baymax, "Gee, he even knew my name."

"Of course, Tadashi has programmed me with all of your health care information. For example, you have a slight allergy to... Strawberries." She nodded with an impressed look on her face, "Wow, that's insane."

"Yeah, I even downloaded emergency contacts." Tadashi said and stood to the side a bit.

Aura looks down at the screen, "Let's see, we've got Aunt Cass and you, of course." Aura squinted at the screen, "Wait, under "relationship" for you, you put husb-ban..."

Aura looked over at Tadashi who was looked down at her with a serious look on his face, "Aura... I've known you since middle school. We've been best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, and even the confusing middle ground. Even after losing your mother, you continue to be the strong and confident woman that Yui looks up to. And... after spending six and a half years together... I want to be a part of your life, even more than now." Tadashi sank down to one knee and pulled out a black velvet box from his back pocket.

Aura's put her hands over her dropped jaw and tears started to prick her eyes.

Tadashi opened the box and revealed a beautiful diamond ring, "Aura Otori, will you--"

"Yes!", Aura shouted.

Tadashi laughed, "But you didn't let me finish!"

"I don't care, my answer is yes! A trillion times yes!" Aura grabbed Tadashi's face and kissed him passionately. He pulled away to put the ring on Aura's finger, "Perfect fit." He said and smiled down to her hand.

"Mozal tov!" Baymax said.

The two looked towards the camera and smiled, "As happy as I am for you about Baymax. We've got something else to celebrating now."

Tadashi laughed, "Okay, then. Care to do the honors." He gestured towards Baymax.

Aura nodded and faced the camera, "See ya later, Buddy. We are satisfied with our care." Aura smiled and the video ended with her leaning towards Tadashi. Yui reached out and put her hand over her sister as the tears fell.

Hiro wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her arm reassuringly, "They were so happy together."

"Yeah", Yui looked down and smiled sadly, "Hey, Hiro. You made me realize something."

Hiro looked up, "What?"

"When I lost my sister,  I thought I had nothing. I felt even more lost and empty than I had ever been. But when started doing all this superhero stuff with you guys. When I started building things with you, that's when I knew I was wrong. I don't have nothing. I have something... No,  I have everything." Yui grabbed Hiro's hand, "So thank you, Hiro." She gave him a bright smile and he couldn't help but smile back.

Hello everyone, I have recently gone over my chapters and I have to apologize for the spelling and grammatical errors. Frankly, I'm surprised people haven't pointed it out. I also apologize for making some of you cry. Especially you,  best friend ()

Oh btw, my friend thinks that it would be great if Honey Lemon was gay. Who agrees? I actually want to know.

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