10 - The Origin Begins

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Yui sat down at the desk in Fred's room. She kind of expected Fred to live in a trailer park or an apartment or something like that. She did not expect a friggen mansion. Yui saw Hiro sit next to her and take out a piece of paper to sketch something out.

"You're body temperatures are still low." Baymax said to them and proceeded to lean on the two and heat up. Yui relaxed and leaned back a little while everyone else gathered to warm up on Baymax.

Hiro finished his sketch and held it up for everyone to see, "Does this symbol mean anything to you guys?"

"Yes!" Fred exclaimed, "It's a bird!"

"The man in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it!" Hiro said as he stood up.

"Didn't he also have something like that pinned up in the old warehouse?" Yui pointed out.

"Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro and Yui's emotional state." Baymax said.

Gogo did a double take, "Apprehend him? We don't even know who he is!"

Fred comes up from behind Baymax, "I have a theory." He quickly sits everyone down on the couch and hands them a comic book.

"Dr. Slaughter M.D.?" Wasabi read aloud.

"Actually, millionaire weapons designer, Malcolm Chaseltic." Fred corrected.

"The Annihilator?" Hiro asked.

"Man in the mask." Fred pointed at the comic and got up in Hiro's face, "Industrialist, Reed Axeworthy."

"Baren Von Destruct- Oh just get to the point!" Gogo yelled and slammed the comic down.

"Don't you guys get it? The in the mask who attack us is non-other than..." Fred grabbed the T.V. remote and turn it on to a picture of, "Voila! Alastair Krei."

"What?!" Hiro exclaims.

"Think about it. Krei wanted your Microbots, and you said no. Rules don't apply to a man like Krei."

"It can't be. The guy is too high profile." Yui said.

"Then who was that guy in the mask?" Honey Lemon asked.

"We don't know. We don't know anything about him." Hiro said, Frustrated.

"His blood type is AB negative." Everyone looked over to Baymax in amazement as he continued to list the kabuki man's health information.

"Baymax! You scanned him!?" Hiro exclaimed and ran up to the robot.

"I am programmed to assess everyone's health care needs." Baymax informed as he pulled up the information from the scan.

Yui jumped to her feet and went up to Baymax, "This is incredible! Now we can use data from Baymax's scan to find him!"

"Uh, you'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo and that might take, I don't know... forever." Gogo pointed out.

"No, no, no! I just have to look for a new angle." Hiro looked around in thought and his eyes landed on a robot toy on one of the shelves, "I got it! I'll scan the whole city at once. I just have to upgrade Baymax's sensors." He then looked up at the action figures in the display case and turns to face everyone, "Actually, if we are going to catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you."

Wasabi looked in concern, "Upgrade who now?"

"Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved one." Baymax recited.

Fred started to dance in his seat, "Okay, I like where this is heading!"

"We can't go against that guy! We're nerds!" Wasabi exclaimed.

"Hiro, we'd like to help, But we're just... us." Honey Lemon said.

"No, you can be way more." Hiro said looking up at a picture of what Yui recognized as Team Fantastic. A team of superheroes, something could be. Yui smiled and stood up, "So much more."

Gogo stood next, "Tadashi Hamada and Aura Otori were our closest friends. We're in." As she said that the rest of the group stood up.

Fred jumped up in excitement, "Guys, do you feel it! Our origin story begins. We're gonna be superheroes!"

~Le Time Skip | brought to you by my fake super team, Team Fantastic~

Yui stepped into Hiro's garage lab with a backpack slung over her shoulder, "Hey Hiro!"

Hiro was at his computer and spun around to greet Yui with a smile, "Hey, glad you came. I could really use a hand with these super suits."

"That's what I'm here for. Now the sooner we get started, the soon that masked lunatic goes behind bars." Yui set her phone on a desk and blasted Immortals by Fallout Boy.

Hiro and Yui already when over the goal to defeat the kabuki man and have gathered requests and weapon inputs for everyone to use. Yui leaned back in her chair and looked over Fred's list, "Okay, I think the hardest to do is Fred's seeing he was to be a mutant lizard."

Hiro looked over the list, "Hold up. I don't see anything from you."

"Well, I was gonna do my own suit. I mean you're doing your suit." Yui said and sat up in her chair.

Hiro sighed, "I know, but want to help. I think it would be better if we do it together."

Yui thought it over. It would be nice to get some help with it, and they do make a great team. Plus, she still needed a better way to control the wings, "Okay, but I get to help with your suit as well."

"Deal." Hiro stuck his hand out and they shook on it.

~Le time skip again | brought to you by Baymax chasing a soccer ball~

Planning turn to designing, designing turned to building, and building turn testing. Everyone was taking turns testing their equipment on Healthcliff as the man in the mask. Soon it was Yui's turn. She absolutely loved how she suit turned out. She had a bronze breastplate and metal skirt and black leggings. The helmet was also bronze with a few gears on the sides for flair and a neuron transmuter on the inside to control the wing in the back of the suit. Yui's actual choice of weapon was her stretch whip which was wrapped around her waist like a belt.

Yui walked out to the courtyard where Hiro was waiting for her. Hiro's eyes widened at how amazing she looked. He did help design it, but it's different when you're actually seeing it, finished in person.

"How do I look?" Yui asked.

"You look... great!" Hiro said his cheek were a bit pink.

Yui blushes a bit herself and stood up straight, "Thanks, Hiro. Anyways, I need some pointers in the whole neuron transmuter thing."

"Well, it's pretty easy. Just think of how you want to fly, and it should work." Hiro explained. Yui nodded in and tried as Hiro described and thought of hovering in the air. She felt her feet lift from the ground as the metal wings flapped in a rhythmic pattern. She broke into a smile once she was a few feet off the ground and looked down at Hiro gave her a thumbs up. Hiro yelled, "Now to test your weapon!" He pointed towards Heathcliff in a kabuki mask who was holding opera glass up to his eyes in one hand and a hose in the other. He turns on the faucet as much as he could and aimed the hose at Yui. She flew up to avoid the surprisingly high pressured spray of water.

Yui kept flying around to dodge the water, "Honestly, who in the world needs a hose with that kind of water pressure!?"Heathcliff just continued to aim for the flying girl.

At this point, Yui was starting to get frustrated, "Okay, time to end this!" She drew her whip and flew lower to the ground. When she got close to Heathcliff, she grabbed him by the ankles with the whip. Yui continued to fly around the butler and wrapped up not only him, but the hose as well, cutting off the water flow. Heathcliff looked at the hose, shrugged, and dropped it.

"Yes! I win!" Yui snatched the mask off of the butler and tossed it back to Hiro. Training was a complete success.

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