15 - Satisfied with my Care

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There was a bright light and a loud ringing noise filled Yui's ears. Yui wanted to cover her ears but she was holding on to her stretch whip for dear life. Eventually, the ringing and the light dimmed down and what Yui saw amazed her. It was a hyperspace dimension that looked like you put purple clouds in a lava lamp.

"Yui?!" Hiro stopped Baymax and pulled Yui to Baymax and helped fasten her with her whip, "What were you thinking. Why are you here!?"

"Because we're a team. We're doing this together." Yui put her hand over his and smiled confidently.

Hiro couldn't help but smile back, "Okay then, let's do this. Thrust!" Baymax trusted and flew forward.

A piece of steel drifted by and almost took Yui's head off, but she ducked in time before it could hit her. Next, was the humongous cluster of Kreisler Tech debris to fly through. Baymax barrel rolled and maneuvered up and over some of it while scanning for the pilot's pod.

All of a sudden, a huge piece of a window drifted into their flight path.

"Look out!" Hiro shouted. He thought quickly and jumped off of Baymax and onto the glass while Yui hugged closer to Baymax to avoid getting hit. Baymax flipped over and Yui peaked over his shoulder to see Hiro running across the glass to keep up with them. At the end of the glass wall was a hole,  and Hiro jumped and was caught safely in Baymax's arms.

Baymax looked down at Hiro, "I have located the patient." They looked ahead and saw the white, frost covered pod farther back.

Hiro flipped Baymax to his back and sat next to Yui, "Hurry!" They quickly boosted to the pod and Baymax latched onto it. Yui wiped the frost off the window and saw Callaghan's daughter inside, sleeping peacefully.

Yui unfasten her whip from holding her to Baymax and started to climb onto the pod, "Okay,  let's get her back home." Hiro nodded and climbed onto the other side so they were facing each other.

"We'll guide you out of here, big guy." Yui said as she fastened herself down to the pod.

Hiro nodded in agreement and used his magnetic gives and knee pads to fasten himself down. He looked ahead toward to exit with determination, "Go!"

Baymax took off at full thrust. Both Hiro and Yui took turned guiding Baymax though the plain of trash and towards the light of the portal's exit. Once they cleared the worst of it, Yui and Hiro cheered with delight and looked back at Baymax to make sure he was okay, but what they didn't see was a gigantic piece of cement ruble head their way. Baymax spotted this and wrapped around the front of the pod to protect to two from the blow. He succeed but was knocked off and torn up his armor so bad that only his right arm and lower body were protected.

"Baymax!" Hiro called out. He stood and tried to reach Baymax, but they were starting to drift. Baymax tried to activate his thrusters, but they were too damaged.

Baymax informed, "My thrusters are inoperable."

Yui quickly unfasten herself grabbed Hiro's arm and extended herself out into Baymax reach. "Grab on!" She shouted. Baymax reached forward and grabbed Yui's hand. Hiro pulled her in along with Baymax and she pulled him down to the pod's thrusters.

Yui looked at Hiro then at the portal opening. 'If Baymax's thrusters don't work then we can't get out of here. What are we going to do! We don't have much time.'

"There is still a way I can get you three to safety." Baymax said and proceeded to attach his rocket fist to the thrusters of the pod and started to charge it up.

Baymax looked up at his primary patients, "I can't deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care." Yui was confused at first but then she understood. Baymax was going to launch them through the portal entrance, but leave himself behind and deactivate.

Yui was hit with a wave emotions as Hiro looked in disbelief, "No, no, no! W-what about you!" He said.

"You two are my patients. Your health is my only concern." Baymax stated.

"No! There has to be some other way. W-we're not just leave you here!" Yui burned out and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax persisted.

Hiro cried out, "Please... no... I can't... I can't lose you too!" Yui could only let out a sob.

"Hiro... Yui... I will always be with you." Yui looked at the health care companion, thinking back all they had been through together. Chasing him down on her motor scooter, making his armor with Hiro, comforting her after losing her sister and Tadashi. More tears trailed down her face.

Hiro looked back too. Flying with him, meeting for the first time in Tadashi's lab, but thinking about all of this made what he had to do even harder.

Hiro looked at Baymax once again, "I am satisfied with my care."

Baymax looked at Yui. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

Hiro put his hand on her shoulder, "It's the only way."

"You sure?" Yui said sadly and Hiro nodded.

Yui took a shaky breath and finally choked out, "I am satisfied... with my care." Yui held onto Hiro tightly and cried into his shoulder as they blasted off. Hiro could only hold her and look back and the fading sight of the last piece of his brother left as they hit the bright light of the portal entrance.

~Le Dimensional Transportation Skip~

The pod shot out of the portal just as it collapsed. The portal crashed into the ground and the rocket fist powered down. Hiro and Yui slid down from the sides of the pod and stood in front together.

Everyone came up to congratulate them, but they slowed down when they saw the tears and sad faces.

Wasabi looked at them, "Baymax?" He asked. Hiro hung his head low and Yui put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. Everyone was shocked and then hung their heads at the loss of another friend. Yui looked back to the broken portal and back to Hiro with his eyes brimming with tears. She hugged him and didn't say a word, just supported him as a friend who can understand.

~Le Last Time Skip | Brought to you by a wave goodbye from Baymax~

The police arrived to arrest Callaghan and an ambulance arrived shortly after to tend to Abigail. The team of superheroes looked down at the sight.  Fred, Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Hiro, and Yui stood atop the broken building like guardians. A space was behind them where Baymax would have been. Yui knew it would take a while to get over losing Baymax, it was like losing a close friend. But with Hiro by her side, Yui feels like she can get through anything that comes their way.

The End... For now.

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