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"Taehyung-ah!!" I keep knocking on Taehyung's house door but the one that opening it is his mother.

"Sooyoung-ah, what are you doing here???" His mother looking at me in shock plus i'm still wearing the dress for the party earlier. "Imo, where is Taehyung???"

She looked at me with confuse face, "Eh? He told me that he's staying at Jimin's house this evening."

"Damn it Kim Taehyung!"

"Oh really? Thank you, Imo." I hugged her before walking away from their house. I took my phone, trying to call him, but his line can't even connect to mine.

Where did you go, Kim Taehyung? Please don't do this..

I'm having a mental breakdown, Taehyung always doing thing like this everytime he's having problem and the bad thing is he don't like to share unless me and Jimin pushing him to do so.

This once happened when his mother told the two of us that Taehyung missing away from home after his puppy dead. He feel really sad and nobody know where he go at that time. After efforts of searching, me and Jimin finally found him at Han river.

"Han river... Don't tell me.."



I shouted when I found Taehyung standing by the river. My guess is right, he is here. He is about to light up a cigarette, I am really shocked to see that thing inside his mouth, I ran to him and took away it from his mouth with fury.

"What are you trying to do?! Leaving your house, leaving our group chat?! lying to your mother that you're going to Jimin's house?! What happening to you?" I'm yelling to him. I feel want to cry right now, really. He's making me worry and panic. What will happened if I don't find him here tonight? Where is he going to sleep?

He just looking at me emotionlessly, but then he cracked a little smile, "you look beautiful.." He said and I really don't know what to do with him.

I stepped closer to his tall body and holding his hands, "What happened to you, Tae? Please tell me..."

He suddenly hugging me and I hear his sobs next to my ears. I'm slowly patting his back waiting for him to say something.

"I... I like you, Soo.. I like you so much until the point I hate it so much.. You never realise things from me, you care about the other guy that don't even know you.. I love to see you smile and such.. My heart hurt when Jungkook sent a picture of you and a guy earlier.. I can't pretend to be okay anymore.. It's keep hurting me.. What am I going to do, Sooyoung-ah??"

My tears fall listening to his words, I don't know about his feelings at all this time. For me, Taehyung is more than a bestfriend, he and Jimin are like brothers to me. They're loyal and kindhearted. I can't even imagine how my life will be like without them by my side, but Taehyung's feeling made things hard for me too.

"I.. I don't know, Taehyung-ah... i'm... I don't know.." I'm sobbing harder.I don't have any intention to hurt his feeling.

He escaped from my embrace, holding my two shoulders with his two hands, looking at me with a soft smile. "Promise me to be happy then.." He said and i'm speechless.

"I.. I..." I can't even talk, my heart hurts seeing him hurting because of me. I know how it's feel.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked suddenly making me surprised, I don't know what to answer.

"We.. I.. I... can't..."

He smile and his face getting nearer to mine, what am I going to do??? We're just friend!! I don't.. We can't just kiss each other.. His face is about an inch from mine and I'm just tightly closing my eyes.

Never Enough || KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now