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"Noona, are you ready for tonight???"

Jungkook went inside her sister room, Sooyoung is struggling while combing her hair in front of the makeup table. Jungkook took the comb from her hand and helping her like a sweet mother loving her daughter's hair.

"Thank you." Sooyoung gave him a wide smile and Jungkook just crunching his nose in reply.

"Can I cannot go?" She said after that, making the boy furrowing his brows. "Noona, don't try to act crazy. You know eomma will kill you."

"I know!! but I don't really want to be exposed at the public." She shrieked, actually that's not the reason, it's her mind is thinking about that person. Yes, that person that might going to be there.

Jungkook continues combing his noona's hair perfectly. He loves her beautiful, long, blonde hair because it's soft and wavy. He willing to help her combing it everyday. "No noona, nobody's weird going to be there. Eomma will call your manager to secure you and such plus you got me! i'm strong. You can't make excuses for Hoseok hyung's dance studio opening ceremony, he will be sad if you can't come." He added making Sooyoung frowned.

It's not that she don't want to come but she knows that he going to be there. It's been 5 years, 5 fucking years. She never heard anything about him since the day they fight on the phone. He never even once texting or calling Sooyoung anymore. Perhaps he already move on from her? She just a stupid girl confuse in love at that time, and he easily using her for his own good.

"Fuck you, Kim Namjoon." Sooyoung muttered, catching pace of her breath to relax. "Noona, are you listening?" Jungkook shook his sister's shoulder making the girl snapped to reality.

"What did you said?"

"I said, Namjoon hyung going to be there!"

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, frustratedly. See, it is confirmed, she said mentally. Just listening to his name making her mood ruined.

"I don't want to go."

"Noona, stop acting like crazy. You already prepared song to sing!" Jungkook yelled, landing on his sister's bed, spreading his legs like he on the snow land.

"No, Jungkook. I will tell Hoseok oppa that i'm sick." It's my determination. It's not that i'm running away, I just dont want to see that jerk. I'm really afraid, that my heart will still fluttering for him like crazy, i'm afraid that I can't control my emotions because memories will hit me like crazy, and I'm afraid of him the most.

"No, you're going to that ceremony and it's done. You just need to sing the song you prepared and go home! Or do your damn schedules whatever it is-"

"Jungkook, mind your words with me. I'm your older sister."

"Sorry but the real deal now Noona is Hoseok hyung. Why are afraid going there? Don't tell me you're--" Jungkook stopped in the middle of his words and looking at his noona's unhappy face. He finally knew the reason.

"You're afraid of Namjoon hyung?"

"Correct your words, I never afraid of that bastard."

"Noona!!! You should move on. Gosh, it's been 5 years! Damn, 5 years!" He yelled. Sooyoung sighed and lying down next to her brother, she just staring at the empty white ceiling above them before turning her head to look at Jungkook.

"Listen here, baby brother. 5 years are damn long enough to forget someone but not in my case, it's not easy as you thought...."

"I know.." Jungkook sat up, holding Sooyoung's hand in him. "I know how it's feel but atleast do this for our brother, 'kay?"

"Okay, baby big brother!" Sooyoung pinched his nose making him grunting and they ending up having pillow fight on the girl's bed.


"Hey pretty girl. Let's go riding with me.."

"Kim Taehyung, I will kill you for sure." Taehyung sighed and rolling his eyes with full of annoyance because Sooyoung is acting like a grandma. He sneaking out behind her, following her to the favourite cafe which Sooyoung loves to go buying her coffee but of course the girl know his voice, there is no way for Taehyung to tease her.

"You're bored." He said with unsatisfactory, making the girl chuckles. "So are you, don't tell me you're going here just to see me." Sooyoung narrowing her eyes to him with sheepish smile, and Taehyung just sticking out his tongue to her.

"No, i'm here to see my fans"

"Where are them then?" Taehyung just shrugged and heading toward the counter. His smile making the waitress blushing all over her face, I'm just smiling when he acting all cool.

"Babe!!! Taehyung-ah!!!!" Jimin running from the cafe entrance and crashing into them making the two fellas scoffing.

"I really miss you two tooooo muchhhhhh!!!!" He attacked them with bear hug, making Sooyoung chuckles with his cute attitude. It's so hard just for them to meet each other and today is a gold chance for them.

Taehyung pinched Jimin's nose making the boy crunching his face, just showing his another cute side. People is smiling not to mention taking photos, Jimin is really famous like Sooyoung.

"So, How do you do?" Jimin just blinking his eyes at Sooyoung's question. He is actually busy, tired and sometimes stress because of the heavy schedules but for his besties, everything doesn't feel matter.

"I know, we're on the same plane." Sooyoung smiles softly, understanding the expression of Jimin. They're taking the same route, it does sometimes feel tired and really want to give up but remembering the dream of becoming what they're proud of, it all need to be aside.

"Well, obviously i'm not. Duhhh" Taehyung said with little annoyance, but actually he feel bad for his friends that need to work really hard to become better in their career.

"We all know, Taetae." Sooyoung cooed and softly pinching his cheek. He still feels that special spark, that 'crushing thing' never gone from him anyway but he still pretends everything's fine.

"I'm going to marry someone."

"WHAT?!" Jimin and Sooyoung became shocked because of Taehyung's sudden confession.

"With who?????!!" The two asked in unison.

"With someone that can replace my old crush." He said with unhappy smile, Sooyoung doesn't even has a clue about behind the smile but not Jimin, he looking at Tae pathetically, "Don't tell me it's still her." He said to him and Taehyung just nodding, holding in his sad feeling.

Sooyoung already fall in deep confusion, looking at the both, they're not hiding something from me right? She knitted her eyebrows.

"Is there something, Jimin?" She sternly asked.

Jimin let out his beautiful eyes-smile to her, "Nothing, babe. Right, Tae?" Taehyung just smiling, leaving the girl frowning.

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