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I snapped out from my endless thoughts listening to Jimin's loud voice next to my ear. I gave him a look and just waiting for him to say his words.

"Are you even listening to us?" He left an pouts and I shook my head emotionlessly.

"Just admit your feeling, babe. You like that bucket guy!" He suddenly attacked me in his words and my mind immediately showing the image of the guy he mentioned. It make me feel sad, mad and annoying, so much, someone please tell me the fucking reason.

"and Kim Taehyung, how do you know about his girlfriend's instafame account?!" Jimin looking at suspicious Tae and the boy just shrugging and smirking at us.

"You two are stupid, she's one of the most famous korean models in New Zealand. She's endorsing Chanel but I love Gucci more so it's not really a big deal." He explained with serious face, adding arrogant posing in his words. He love Gucci but never bought one of the product.

"What? It's not the most important part and right now you've been following her in instafame, why don't you tell us anything about her?!" Jimin attacked him back, and he immediately scowling, "I didn't realise that the guy in her account is the bucket guy!" He shouted at Jimin back and my patience is over, I smacked the table of my seat, everyone is looking at me with shocked eyes not only the two idiots.

I am stress, this will happen, they know the effect, the cause, but still they're mentioning about that shitty guy.

"Soo-yah.." Taehyung called with worries in his voice and Jimin holding my hand in his, I stood up from my seat and walking away from the class leaving them.

I want to know the reason why am I crying right now. Deep inside me, there is a burden that slowly killing me and the only thing I acknowledge is it's because of Namjoon. Because of him, because the term of he's using me is making me mad and sad, I really hate the fact people using me. I hate it to death.

"Jung Sooyoung!"

Someone is shouting for my name behind but I'm keep on walking, I don't want to talk to anyone, everything is killing my good mood so it's better not talking to anyone.

"Hey!" That someone for somehow finally reaching for me, he turning my body to look at him and it's Yoongi. Yes, Min Yoongi.

"How do he know my full name?"

"Hey.. Are you okay?" I'm looking at his eyes, his beautiful cat-shaped eyes showing calmness to me but I can't find home in them. They're not like namjoon's. Shit, you've fucked yourself, Sooyoung. What is happening to you?!

"Heyy.. Don't cry.. Why are you crying??" He suddenly in panic looking at me, I don't realise my tears pouring out heavily from my eyes, I can't talk to anyone but I need people to help me.

"I'm fine. Nothing, I need to go now." I said and leaving him there, speechless. Today is the first time I said thing to him without stuttering, maybe because my heart is sinking.


The school finally ended, i'm on my way walking toward the school's main gate with Taehyung and Jimin. Suddenly, Jimin gasping hard, holding me and Taehyung with his both him as he's walking in the middle of us. We both shocked and I'm immediately scowling but when i'm about to curse at him, someone that standing in front of us make me speechless.

"Jung Sooyoung. Come with me."

He ordered with cold tone of voice and I flicked hard when his hand touching mine.

"Why the hell are you here?" I asked, my mood ruining even more looking at his face. "I was fucking asking you, Kim Namjoon. Why are you here?!" I yelled louder, my voice caught everyone's attentions. Jimin gripping my arm slowly, gesturing me to be calm but i can't, I felt wave of emotions hitting me right now.

"Stop asking, just come with me!" He try to pull my hand but now Taehyung slapping his hand away from me. Both me and Jimin is surprised.

"Are you even a man, dude? Why are treating girl like this?" Taehyung throwing shade to him but only got him smirking rudely, "Sorry kid, you don't have right to talk with someone like me and before everyone taking video of us making chaos here, let's go with me Jung Sooyoung." He managed to pull my hand in him as he's dragging me with his steps walking toward his another luxury car in black, but I can't holding my emotion anymore.

I stopped my steps, he looking at me with frustration and then


I heard people's whispers became louder, some of them already got their phones ready the moment I did that to him. Tears falling over from my eyes.

He looking at me death in the eyes, not even holding the effect on his red cheek.

"Please stop, Kim Namjoon. Before I hate you to death."

Never Enough || KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now