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"Sooyoung-ah, do you know about Namjoon?"

Sooyoung immediately frowning listening to her brother. Listening to his name just making her mood ruined, she is tired after busy schedule and now he wants to talk about that bastard?

"I don't care."

She said before taking her towel, getting ready to shower and want to rest. Hoseok is still on his sister's bed, feeling disappointed. Not only because of her attitude but Namjoon's too. They both acting like kids, it's never hard to talk in mature way with each others to solve problems but it's seems not going to happen between them.

"Namjoon is dying, he got into accident yesterday."

He said before walking away from Sooyoung's room. Leaving the girl speechless and stiffened, standing there like a status. Without even realising, her tears started to fall..

"Oppa is lying.."

She mumbled before stomping toward her brother's room, "You're not lying to me right?" Hoseok just looking at her, nodding his head. "He's critical, and I need to go to see him now." He said before bumping his sister's shoulder heading toward his car and leaving the house.

Sooyoung fall down to her knees, curling herself up in a ball. She met him last weekend, she knew Namjoon stayed in the rain until late night. She don't even know what happened after that because he gone when she checking on him 5 in the morning.

"I... I don't know what to do.."


"Yahhhh Kim Namjoon..." Sooyoung called for the man that lying weakly on the bed with voice that full of sorrows.

Namjoon is gone...

She is late...

Maybe he is right when he said she was stubborn in their relationship.

"He left this letter for you. I saw it on the nightstand this morning." Hoseok said, caressing his sister's back after giving her the white paper. Sooyoung's heart became more broken after she starting to read the content inside.

She can't hold the feeling inside her anymore, Namjoon is dead. He is dead.

There's nothing inside the letter except i'm sorry, it was my fault.

She felt her world has breaking down on the another verge. How can she just let this happened?

To my girl, Sooyoung.

Maybe I shouldn't call you that, because just like what you said, I never deserved you in my life.

Do you know that you got very lovely voice that always making my day better everyday? Haha, I even dreamed becoming a song producer because of you and we both got our dreams came true now, so proud of you. :)

After all this time i'm leaving you, but you always stay in my mind. It's so obvious I can't go well, but still I keeping things up just with the hope to see you in the future.

I know i'm hurting you, i'm so sorry.

I'm really really sorry. It was my biggest mistake, but when I want to mend everything, it's just seem impossible. I can't find the way because you're already closing your heart for me, Sooyoung-ah. What do I do???

Cause I still want you..

It's sound so selfish and greedy right? But I can't pretending to okay anymore because you're the one that can make everything feels right but.. i'm losing you..

I'm sorry..

Please, forgive me..

from your biggest fan, N :)

"Kim Namjoon... Please don't leave me.."

Sooyoung cried, holding Namjoon's hand to her heart so the boy can feel her heart still beating for him like crazy but nothing happened.. Namjoon is still there, lying with his eyes closed. There's no more pulse sign on the monitor.

This perhaps the biggest thing Sooyoung will lose in her life.

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