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🎶 "You smile even though love is a tragedy for us. I cried when I finally realised it's over. Yes, nothing last forever you're right. I will live even though you're die but I don't want this over. Love is not over." 🎶

I hear someone's voice rapping with slow piano music inside the room and the lyric is heartbreaking. I knew the person is Yoongi, I never knew he can rap this well. I can feel his emotions through every words he spits, and I slowly coming inside finding him immersed with the piano keys that he play.

He stopped as soon he saw me and sweetly smiling, my heart. He look so fluffy, I want to treasure him.

"Come here." He said while patting the space next to him on the bench. I nodded and sat next to him, our skins are barely touch and i'm afraid that I might pass out because of this. I never imagine for this to happen with my crush, MIN YOONGI!

"I.." "I.."

We spoke in unison and we both gestured to let each other talk first but he letting me first as i'm lost to him.

"I.. I'm sorry for what happened last week." I mumbled but I think he can hear me. My eyes are not leaving my shoes, why do shoes looking so beautiful in this kind of situation?

"It's okay. Its my fault by the way. I'm such a nosy person that day, I felt embarrassed of myself." He said with little laugh and I frowned. "It's not your fault tho. I just.. stressed. I'm so sorry."

"I told you it's fine. Now I have something to play but I'm not good at singing so i'll just rapping." He smiled before his fingers started pressing the piano keys and beautiful melody is created.

🎶 "Your shy smile, your beautiful big brown eyes that always trying to look away everytime our eyes met, the cute redness on your cheeks everytime I smile to you, I want those features to longlast whenever we're together. You're someone special, you saved me from the dark past that nearly changing me into someone else but still it's hard to tell you that I like you." 🎶

I clapped my hands after he done, he smiling at me while rubbing the back of his neck. "Wow, the lyric is so cute!" I squealed. He nodded with his gummy smile, "Yeah, but I'm not sure she going to realise about me or not."

She? What does he meant she? He got someone he like?

"What- what do you meant?"

He chuckles and it's sound like beautiful music to my ears, "I have someone I like but I'm not sure i'm good enough for her to notice me."

My heart broke when I heard him saying that. My crush has someone else he like and damn, my eyes is stinging to cry. I pretend to smile and patted his shoulder awkwardly, "Don't give up. In my opinion, that was very beautiful song. Just let her listen and she will like you back!" I said before leaving him behind with fast steps and tears already falling from my eyes.

It's feel like the one that always give me strength and happy spirit is gone, he like someone else and I don't want to bother him anymore.

You're so pathetic, Jung Sooyoung.

"But.. she is you." - Min Yoongi.

Hey my virtual sunshines! Thank you for keep staying with me, I still got more chapters to update and please do tell me if there an AU you like for me to create featuring Namjoon or other BTS members! I will write them for you. Also thank you for the supports and maybe in this week I'll update few more because I got an exam and I hate exam lol.

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Love you 😘

Never Enough || KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now