chapter two | stress

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Just as she entered school, everyone's head turned into her direction and stared at Piper as if she was the biggest criminal. She could even hear the 'popular girls' whispering about her as if no one could hear them. Her insides felt uncomfortable and her pits started to sweat.

She was pretty close to running towards Lee but a guy had to run in  the hallway as well and most probably he didn't see her so he ended up bumping into her.

She obviously loves being bumped into and hitting her face on the ground! (Sense the sarcasm).

All her books fell from her arms and across the floor. A few milliseconds later, everyone bursted into laughter and took out their phones to take pictures of her and maybe for the year book. What a great way to start the first week of school.

Just when she was about to get up, the same guy tripped over her head and landed with a heavy thud. Now she thinks her head's going to have a giant bump on the back of her head. Ugh.

She groaned in annoyance and heard the principal yell out their names.

"Piper Ashley Matthews and Logan Nathaniel Garrett, in my office now!" she ordered and walked off with the sound of her heels clicking against the tiled floor.

"Ugh what did I do?" she whispered to herself and rolled her eyes as she tried her best to get up without making her head ache even more

Piper pushed the door open and that's the moment she saw him. Again.

"Piper, meet your brother, Logan." she smiled.

"I..I have a brother? Wait what? B..but I'm the only child and our surna-"

"I'm your half-brother." he interrupted.

She didn't realize her mouth was open until he poked her cheek


As first and second period had gone by, Piper couldn't concentrate properly. Her brain could only focus on how long she had a brother (well, a half-brother) and why her dad had not mentioned anything about him.

The lunch bell rang and everyone gushed out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. She finally got out of her gaze and packed the books that were on the laying on the table into her bookbag.

"Piper, are you okay?" Ms. Murray asked as she looked up from her computer.

"Y..yeah miss. I'm fine." she smiled with her mouth closed.

Walking out of the classroom, she went straight to her locker to grab her lunch because the cafeteria's food is so bad, she thinks they get their ingredients from the trash can in the grocery store.

Just as she was about to close her locker, Leigh jump-scared her and according to Lee, her scream was so loud, a deaf old man would be able to hear it. (Ok, maybe she was exaggerating a little but oh well)

They walked together in linked arms and skipped all the way to the cafeteria like they were four year olds but they didn't really care because that's what their friendship basically is. Lee found a good spot and there's where they sat. Away from the 'popular people' and the rest of the jerks.

"So how was your morning?" Lee poked her. She knows that Piper hates it when she does that anyway to irritate her guts.

"T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E, terrible." slapping her cheeks.

"Hahahaha sucks to be you then," Lee chuckled and Piper gave her you're-gonna-be-so-dead-look.

"Then what about yours." biting into her salmon sandwich.

"Accounting was killing me. Can't we just learn about twitter accounts, facebook accounts, or instagram accounts instead of that horrible shit." she rolled her eyes.

One thing about Lee, she loves the social media and basically shares her whole life on it and Piper gets surprised that people actually like her content.

"You're saying that your morning was as shitty as mine?" she raised my brow.

"I didn't say that." Leigh choked on her food and some flew out of her mouth and landed on Piper's face.


im sorry for not updating in a week or two bc I've been really busy with my theory exam that is coming up and I have two major tests coming up too and I'm supposed to study but I'm sacrificing for y'all !!

Anyways, love every single one of you!!

OH! Don't forget to vote or comment / if you want tho ! <33333333333333333

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