chapter three | stolen

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Leigh's POV

Piper has been living with a lie for the past two months. I feel bad for lying to her because both Shawn Mendes' and Billie Eilish's concert is on the same day and it's on her birthday, but she doesn't know that. I'm just imagining her facial expression once she sees Billie on stage. That would be a classic moment because I know that she loves Billie way more than Shawn and that's why she is trying so hard to keep up with all his songs but still has trouble memorizing the lyrics.

"Lee. Hello? You there?" Pipes waved her hand in front of my face as I got out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah." Smiling at her as I copied down the notes from the black board.

"Are you okay?" she poked my sides.

"Great." Giving her a wide smile.

"Okay.. if you say so." Going back to her notes.

Time went by quickly and I was happy because it was the last period of the day.

Just before the bell rang, Lee tapped on my shoulder.

"Wanna go to Ben's?" she smiled with her mouth closed, but I can tell she really wants ice cream. I mean, who doesn't.

"Sure. I just need to do something first. See you there in fifteen?" smiling back.

"See ya in fifteen." she ran off without another word.

I walked to my locker to where I hid the tickets. To check if it was still there. Dialing the combination in and the door popped open. But nothing was inside. Not even my books (because they were in my bag) Nothing.

My heart was pumping so hard, I bet the whole hallway could hear it. I was freaking the heck out.

"I knew I should have left them in my desk drawer at home. I'm such an idiot." I accidentally banged my locker a little harder than I thought and the guy next to me yelped and I chucked a little, but it didn't last for long.

I remembered about Ben's and I ran all the way there. Just as I arrived, I pushed the door harder than I thought and a heard a loud bang.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Uh do you want me to buy you another cup of ice cream?" I pulled the girl up that fell down.

"Nope. It's ok." She rubbed her forehead that is already starting to grow a bump.

"Uh. Hey. Um your forehead has a big bump." I pointed to my head in reference.

"Sharks. I have a performance tonight." She dusted off some dust off her shirt and jeans.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized again.

"It's ok. Really." She smiled.

"Lee!" Piper shouted across the ice cream parlor and everyone stared at her and she shyly sat back down.

Turning back to the girl, "Here take this and get some cream for your head,okay." I offered her thirty dollars.

"Thanks." And she walked off.

Walking to the table where Piper was sitting someone tapped on my shoulder. 'What is wrong with me today?' I thought.

"Hey Leigh." A guy greeted.



Cliffhanger yalls !! Yes. This is an update. Thank you all for 200 reads ! This means so much to me ! Anyways, who do think Daniel is ? Maybe Daniel Caesar AHAHHA i don't know. You guys think ! 

LOVE ALL MY CHICKENS !!! <333333333 

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