chapter five | surprises

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author's note : omg you guys are literally the best ! you all motivate me to write during my free time even though i know my writing isn't the best. im so grateful for all of you and how fast this book is growing ! i love all my chickens so much and i appreciate every single one of you ! okay enough blabbing now, lets get back to the story.


Days have passed by quicker than expected and Shawn's concert was getting closer and closer. Or should I say Billie's?

Well, Piper hasn't been doing well lately after Leigh had told her the news. She has been slightly demotivated to go to school ever since. As for Leigh, she's still looking for the person who stole the tickets from her locker somehow. And she thought that her combination was hard. Well, she thought.


Ring rrrinnggggg

Piper slammed her hand hard twice on her alarm clock and groaned as she pulled her blanket over her head and headed back to sleep. Until her father came in. 

"Hey honey! You're gonna be late for school and I made your favourite avocado toast!"

She groaned again. "Can I not go to school today?" she wrapped herself in her fuzzy blanket.

A sigh escaped her father's mouth before he spoke. "No honey. Don't waste my money okay. Dad works really hard for you to have a good education so you don't become a beggar when you're older. Now it's time to get up."

She rose hesitantly from her previous position and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and cracked her fingers otherwise they'll feel weird. 

Walking out of her bed slowly towards her bathroom, she accidentally bumped into the door or was it even a door?

"Excuse me? Do I look like a wall to you?" a low voice came out of the door.. wait what.

I realized it was no door at all. It was my so-called 'brother'. "What are you even doing in here?" running my hand through my messy hair. 

"Did you forget I'm your brother?" pushing me out of the way.

"Half-brother." she corrected him. "Then why are you in my bathroom?"

"We share bathrooms now because my room doesn't have a bathroom and I was looking for the nearest one and here I am." he said before he shut the door behind him.

"I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS!" she shouted loud enough so he could be able to hear it. 

She looked at the clock that was hanging above her study desk. 

"Shit." she rushed into the bathroom pushed her half-brother away and did her usual morning routine but this time she couldn't apply her concealer that covered her heavy panda eyes and eye bags that could basically carry all her books.

She ran out of her bathroom and headed to hear wardrobe where she pulled out her favorite blue fuzzy knitted sweater, black leggings and her ultimate favorite brown winter boots and it's not even winter yet.

Checking her bookbag if she had all the books she needed and gushed out of the front door but her dad stopped her.

"Where's my morning kiss Pipe?" he said from the kitchen.

"Sorry dad. None today.  I really really have to go, I'm late." I closed the door behind me.

She hopped onto her yellow bike and rode as fast as she could so she wouldn't be late.

It took her about ten minutes to arrive at school and she ran to the entrance of the hallway and to her locker.

"Hey, hey, hey! No running in the hallway Ms. Matthews or detention for three hours!" Ms. Linville stood in front of her.

"I-I'm sorry Ms. Linville, but I really need to head to cl-"

"Detention for you after school." she walked away.

Piper sighed heavily and ran her hand through her hair as for the beginning of the day has already gotten to a bad start. 

Unlocked her locker, something fell out the moment she swung it open and landed on the ground.  It has Billie's name on it and I could tell by her face that she was confused or maybe she thought it was someone else's ticket. 

Stuffing it in her book bag, she grabbed her chemistry textbook and notebook and hugged it in her arms as if they were her possessions. 

Good thing she made it two minutes before the bell rang or otherwise she'll be dead meat. Literally dead meat with blood scattered all over the floor and her flesh ripped. 

Class went on like the usual but, Leigh wasn't there. Piper has every class with Leigh and she's real lucky because majority of friends have been split up into different classes or grades. 

"Piper Matthew! Care to recite the whole periodic table?" Mr. Aubert crossed his arms. 

"No sir." she copied down the notes from the black board. 

"No. This is not punishment Piper. I just want you to recite the periodic table for the class." he face palmed and the whole class burst out in laughter. 

"When?" she ignored her classmates that were looking at her. 

"Tomorrow." and the school bell rang to notify that first period has ended. 

She packed her books into her bag and gushed into the hallway to get ready for the next coming class. Which was french. You can say that she's obsessed with french things. Like french fries, french toast, escargot, croissants, okay you get her point.

All of a sudden, Billie Eilish's song; 'bellyache' was playing on the speakers and Piper's face lit up and I could tell she was really happy but everyone's faces were confused. The canteen doors were slammed open and Principal Greene came out dancing in her red high heels and singing to the lyrics. Everyone clapped and cheered for her. 

This went on for three minutes until the song had ended and Principal Greene spoke through a mic. "Everyone! Go to the concert hall because I have an announcement to make and I bet you all 100% percent you're gonna love me after this!" she smiled.

The whole school, even the teachers gushed to the concert hall and took their seats. Principal Greene stood on the stage and placed the mike she was holding earlier onto a stand. " Fieldwaters Academy! So, for our year-end prom, I've invited a very special guest and four people get to come up here and guess who it is! Teachers are also allowed! Oh, and whoever guesses it correct, gets to ride in the same limousine as the person! So get your brain working..... now!" she walked off the stage. 

Squads gathered together to discuss their guesses, nerds calculating their answers, the 'popular groups' going through their instagram feed to find out who the person is and whether they've given out any hints, and teachers talking between themselves for answers. 

Time ran out and Principal Greene went back on stage with her heels making sounds where ever she walks. 

"Okay, now have you all chosen who to come up here?" everyone nodded.

All four people went up. 

The first person spoke on the but she fiddled with her fingers. "Um hi, I'm Delinah and um my guess is Justin Bieber." 

Principal Greene took the mike from her. "I'm so sorry Delinah... but you're incorrect." 

The next person looked bold and proud as his shoulders were held back. "Hi, I'm Jacob, my answer is The Weeknd." 

Again Principal Greene took the mike from Jacob and shook her head in disappointment. "Who is The Weekend? Anyways, you're incorrect." she raised her brows. 

The third person came up and took the mike from Principal Greene's hands and placed it in front of her mouth. "I'm Becky. My guess is Billie Eilish.

This time, Principal Greene didn't look as happy but I could tell she was trying to hide it. "So Becky, you're correct. You're smart." she shook hands with Becky and passed her the tickets 

hey guys ! i know u might be confused with the tenses or whatsoever but when ever it's first person, means the narrator is talking !! so hope that clears thing up a little

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