chapter five and a half | mask

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Becky was jumping up and down when she got the 'tickets' to meet Billie because she was a huge fan.

After everyone congratulated her on the good guess and winning such a big prize, she quickly ran out of the hall and into the females toilet.

She pulled off her mask that she was wearing the whole time and Leigh sighed in relief. She looked down at the tickets she had just won and her mask. She stuffed it into her bookbag. She quickly sprinted to the nearest booth to change her clothes so nobody would find her suspicious.

Putting on her favourite peach sweatshirt and black leggings, she took out her comb to brush out the tangles that made her hair look 'wavy' and put on a blue beanie.

The sigh of relief the moment she took a step out of the toilet until she saw Piper and Piper saw her.

"Where have you been all day?" Piper putting her arm around Leigh's shoulder.

"I had to talk to Principal Greene in her office." she lied aimlessly. ( She was terrible at lying

" But she was in the main hall." Piper furrowed her brows and made two lines that looked like it decided to make it home there.

"Y-yeah." she looked away.

"Okay. Wait it's not about the Shawn Mendes concert ticket right?" Moving her arm from the previous position.

"What Shawn Mendes ticket?" she turned her head to look at Piper.

"Huh. The concert. You bought for the two of us." furrowing her brows hard as ever and this time confusing herself.

"Oh. That tickets. Be more specific next time." sighing in relief.

They walked out of school and decided to go to their favourite hangout place; White 'n' Gold.


"A big bacon and mashed potato burger with medium fries and a pepsi." Leigh ordered. She thinks coke is too overrated and just like Ed Sheeran.

"For you miss?" the waitress pointed with her pen at Piper.

"I'll have cheese fries and peach tea please." she said with a smile.

"Okay. So a big bacon and mashed potato burger with medium fries and a pepsi and for you miss, cheese fries and a peach tea. Would you like your peach tea fizzy?"

"No thank you."

The waitress left to pass the order to the chef.

A few minutes passed as they were using their phones for entertainment until Piper spoke.

"I've never seen Becky in school before." looking up from her phone.

"Becky? She's been in school for years." she chuckled.

"But I've never seen her. Not even once." offing her phone.

"Maybe your not observant." she laughed and ended up Piper laughed with her.

Without even realising, their food had arrived and the waitress gave them a weird glare and quickly went back to work.

They ate their food and talked about what is happening at school and especially drama that is going on. But you won't be hearing about the drama anytime soon.


ok sorry for the short and shitty update but this was just a part two of chapter five so it's a little shorter than most of the previous chapters.

luv all my readers !!! <<33333

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