chapter ten | the reveal

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Leigh's Pov

Leigh came over to pick Piper up to head to the concert. While as they were heading to the concert, the jammed to Shawn Mendes' new and old songs. The journey seemed as if it took forever. It did not take Piper a long time for her to fall asleep in the shotgun seat with her head leaning against the car's window. 

As for Leigh, she listened to Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy in order for her to stay awake during the long and exhausting journey ahead of her to surprise Piper of something she still has no idea of. 

Forty-six minutes had passed in a flash. Leigh and Piper had finally arrived at the stadium where Billie Eilish will be performing at. She had noticed that a large poster of Billie hung on the building to indicate that Billie will be there. Thank God Leigh brought a blindfold for Piper just in case she would not be confused with her surroundings and realize everyone is wearing everything Blohsh from head to toe. 

Leigh parked her car and grabbed her shoulder bag from her feet to take out her blindfold. She folded it a few times just to make sure Piper would not be able to see through the piece of cloth or even get a chance to peek.  Leigh wrapped the blindfold gently to not disturb Piper from her beauty nap and pushed her head down a little to give herself some allowance to make a tight knot behind her head.

She settled everything and made sure Piper was not awake yet. She tapped on Piper's shoulders and she woke in a split second. 

"W-why can't I see anything? Leigh? Leigh?? Are you there?? Oh my god, I-I'm blind!" Piper was certainly frightened and that was definitely a good sign. 

"No, no, no, you're not blind Pipes. I've just covered your eyes with a blindfold," 

"Why did you do that??" 

"You'll understand what I'm doing once you enter the stadium. C'mon let's go," she said as if it was a normal thing to do.

Leigh unbuckled Piper's seatbelt and quickly got out of the car to open the door for her. Which was difficult because she kept thinking that she would step in dog poop or a puddle. 


They went through security check and one of the security asked why Piper was in a blindfold; Leigh whispered it to him and the security them in. 

At one point, Piper got extremely irritated with the itchy blindfold and took off the blindfold that had been blocking her sight the whole time but Leigh tried to stop her before she could even peek but was a little too late.

"OMG! WAIT, AM I AT A BILLIE EILISH CONCERT?!?!?!" she screamed and everyone around us looked at her as if she was totally insane or drunk. 

"What? No!" Leigh lied which she knew it was pointless; Piper knew every song Billie has written. 

"I know what Billie sounds like okay! And I can see Blosh merch!" she exclaimed. Obviously showing that she is shocked but happy.

"Fine. I've planned this all along and I used the Shawn Mendes' concert as a cover-up since they are both on the same day. It was hard keeping this as a secret but definitely worth the effort. Hope you're not mad about me lying to you the whole time." Leigh fiddled with her fingers. 

"What? Mad? Are you absurd? I'm more than happy and this is the best day ever! You're the bestest friend ever!" she hugged Leigh so tight it nearly suffocated her. "No offence to Shawn Mendes but this is way better!"

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