chapter nine | long-awaited day

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author's note : 3k. three thousand reads. im mind-blown and my brain cannot comprehend this large number !! luv u guys !!!

Today is the day. The day where Piper and Leigh get to meet Shawn Mendes. Or should I say Billie Eilish? Today has been a long-awaited day. The day Piper has been waiting for the whole year and it has finally arrived.


Piper slowly opened her eyes and hit her alarm clock on her phone to off it. After five minutes, it rang again but knowing the typical Piper, she gets irritated easily so she just decided to get up already and just start the day. She laid in her bed for some time to waste the morning a little and wrapping herself with her blanket like a burrito wrap.

Piper took her phone charger out of her phone and grabbed her phone to use it for couple of minutes. She checked the date and it appeared:

November 8

Her eyes grew so big, I think you could easily grab any stainless steel spoon of any size and scoop them right out of her eye sockets without making a huge mess. Her heart started to pump way faster than it usual which is probably a good or bad thing.

"Today is the day. Today is the day. Today is the freaking day!!" she exclaimed really loudly.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" her half-brother yelled.

"NO!" she yelled back and smiled at her respond; she was not usually good in comebacks but she was proud of herself about her answer.

Piper's phone rang and Leigh's name appeared in front of her.


Do you know what day it is?

Is that even a question? It's Shawn Mendes' concert day of course!

Good thing you rememebered or else I'd come to your house with a large wooden spoon.


Okay I'll come over at 4:15pm okay! Get ready before that because the concert is at 6pm sharp.

Okay Ms. Leigh.

Piper's adrenaline pumped her up and made her extremely jumpy the whole entire time as she charged her vlog camera and took a few batteries along so she could film during the concert and  she patiently waited for Leigh to ring the bell. Maybe a little too jumpy about meeting the hot, masculine, handsome, beautiful Shawn Mendes.

Or Billie Eilish.

HEY FRIENDS!!! I'm officially back! October was a crazy month and i think I had over 15 tests during that month? Idk. I also just finished two really important tests a few days ago and I'm so glad it's over. Just five more weeks of school and I'm done for the year!! YEET!

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