chapter twelve | more surprises

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Author's note: HEY FRIENDNDNSDDNSNS. I know you want to watch the vid but don't until I say so hehehehheeh. okay bye.

The insanely beautiful concert ended in such a memorable way, it will definitely be difficult to forget even if you try to.

Actually, Leigh did not just have tickets to the Billie Eilish concert. She had backstage passes. How? Well, Leigh has her ways. Not even kidding. 

Leigh fibbed Piper that she had to go to the bathroom for some business but what she actually did was she had a little conversation with Billie Eilish. Yes. A conversation. Not going to lie, Leigh was jumpy all inside and she felt like she was going to faint. I mean, how could you not? It is the Billie Eilish.

Two security guards went towards Piper and her face was so funny. She thought she was going to get arrested but not knowing what she had done wrong to go to jail. They pulled her aside and told her that she needed to follow them for a while and not to freak out as much as possible. Just like every person would, she hesitated but she believed them eventually. 

Piper followed the guards but she stopped. She had realised that she was going backstage but had no idea why. 

"Where am I going?" she asked one of the guards and she regretted asking the question half a second later; how stupid the question was. 

"You'll see," the guard replied. 

She continued to walk and yes, people were staring at her with confusion written all over their faces. But she didn't care. She wanted to know what was going on and she wanted to know quick. 

Piper entered backstage and saw Leigh smiling widely as she noticed who was standing right next to her. Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell. The Billie Eilish. She was so shocked, she wanted to scream but nothing came out from her. Billie walked towards Piper and hugged her. HUGGED HER. BILLIE EILISH HUGGED PIPER. Piper was shaking all over and hugged Billie back and she started to tear up

"OMG. OMG. OMG. I'M HUGGING THE  BILLIE EILISH!! BILLIE EILISH IS HUGGING ME!!" she cried and laughed with joy. 

"Aww," she chuckled. 

"Omg Billie Eilish just answered me," Piper cried some more. 

"HAHAHA. I love you, Piper Matthews." 


"Okay friends, you might wanna thank me. I planned this, so I deserve a hug too," she spread her arms wide open. 

"Haha c'mon Leigh, join the hug," Billie smiled. 


"C'mon Billie, just sing one of your unreleased songs," Piper pouted. 

"Nope. Nope. Nope. You gotta have to wait until it's released," she smiled back at Piper.

"But that will take foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr," Piper pouted even harder with puppy-eyes. 

"Fine," she rolled her eyes and called her brother over to play the piano; she was way too lazy to play it.

(Play the video from above if you want to listen to the unreleased/ not recorded-ish studio hahah)

"This song is called: Limbo. I hope you like it," she said and Piper was already getting butterflies in her stomach. So was Leigh. 

The piano began to play and Piper began to tear up already. 

I'm not crying on the phone when you call

What's the use in begging you to stay?

I'm not trying to say words anymore

Cut me loose, cause you're too far away

Can't make me feel better to make it alright

As Billie continued to sing the lyrics out, Piper cried even more. The beautiful melodies got into her ears and entered her gentle soul like a lullaby for her spirit to rest making salty tears drip out from her eyes unintentionally. She wanted to make Billie stop but at the same time, she wanted to hear more. She wanted to feel what Billie is feeling. She wanted to get into the song. That's what makes Billie Eilish's music her. No one can change that. Only she can. 

 Nothing in common, nothing to lose

Nothing but problems between me and you

With your arms akimbo seven days in limbo


Sup friends !!! This fanfiction is coming to an end and I'm so sad that is ending so quickly. Thanks so much for all the support throughout this whole book which means a ton to me! Love yalls forever <3333333333333

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