chapter eight | stressed

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Leigh: bold

Piper: italic

Lee, I love you so much. How did you even find the tickets?

Oh, Pipes, it was nothing. It was in my locker the whole time. I'm dumb.


we* HAHA

right. I've forgotten already. Oh, when is it by the way?

November 8th. 6.30pm

That's the same day as Billie's concert!

Is it? I didn't know.

I kinda wish we were going there though

Now you don't wanna meet Shawn?

I didn't say that.


are you offended?
I didn't mean to offend you at all. I'm grateful that we're gonna meet Shawn, it's just then I wish we were meeting Billie instead.

I'm not. Ugh.



Panic started to fill up in Leigh's chest. What if she knows? What if she secretly hates Shawn Mendes and never told me about it. Wait no, that's just plain stupid. How can someone not like Shawn right?

Leigh's knuckles turned white as she gripped on the steering wheel a little too tight as she headed to school.

Leigh had noticed that Piper was heading towards her car, so Leigh had decided to make a U-turn out of the parking lot and not attend school today. "What am I doing? Maybe I should ski- No, no, no. I need to go. I can't let Piper be the reason for my absence." She headed back to the parking lot and realized she had wasted at least twenty bucks of petrol and cursed at herself.

She found a parking spot under a tree and became so happy because her car wouldn't be so hot later on. She hopped out of the car and grabbed her book bag from the boot along with some files that couldn't fit in her bag.


"OH MY GOD!!!" Leigh turned around and saw that it was Piper. "YOU SCARED THE HECK OUT OF ME!"

"I know." she filled her hair that was in a ponytail.

They walked into school together with linked arms and playfully smacked each other.

First period ended with a blink of an eye since they both had the same class together which was a great way to start the day for them and it was history so they had fun.

Hey guys ! Small notice here, from now on i'll be writing shorter chapters because i have work and school to do and I'm really stressed. Like not even kidding. Thanks for understanding and i love u all <33

Oh before i forget, I've been wanting to make a new cover for this book recently but everything I've tried was ugly. If you know or like to make a cover, send it to me through dm ! thanks ! <3

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