chapter four | ice cream parlour

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Leigh's POV

"Hey Leigh." he smirked.

"Um guys." Piper interrupted but I ignored her.

"What are you doing here?" folding my arms.

"Can't a guy just enjoy his ice cream?" he took a scoop from his cup.

I rolled my eyes.

"Lee, I'm right over here!" she waved her arms in the air and everyone looked in her direction. Again.

"Sorry. I have to meet my friend." I pointed towards Piper.

"Anyways I have to go." he looked at his watch and gave me a side smile

We said our goobyes and I headed to where Piper was seated.

Piper's POV

"Are you sure you're okay today?" she asked Leigh as she raised her brows that made two lines appear on her forehead.

"Y-yeah I'm two hundred percent great today. In fact, I'm better than great, I feel tremendous!" her arms spreaded out into the air.

"Uh okay.." she looked away from her friend as her face heated up and was redder than a tomato.

"Actually.." Lee spoke and she turned her head to face her. "I need to tell you something. But not here." Lee whispered suddenly.

They left the parlour and headed back to Piper's house on their bikes. After fifteen minutes, they've finally arrived at the front porch.

Grabbing her keys from her from pouch of her bookbag, she unlocked and was greeted by her corgi.

"Hey buddy! Yes you! How have you been?" her puppy voice came out. She rubbed his belly back and forth until Lee interupted.

"Ehem!" she intruded and Piper stood up.

"Okay, we'll go up now." she smiled with her mouth closed and climbed up the stairs.

Locking the door, Lee had exposed about the tickets.

"Um Pipes, remember about meeting Shawn Mendes?" she fiddled with her fingers.

"Duh. I'm obsessed with his newest song! It's hella good!" she bounced on her bed.

"Great!" Lee paused for awhile. "Someonestolethetickets." she rushed.

"What. Can you slow down? I didn't even understand a word you said." She groaned in irritation.

"Someone took the tickets out of my locker." she mumbled this time.

"Lee, if you don't say it properly, I'm going tickle your belly so hard you'll puke." she folded her arms on above her chest.

"Fine. Someone. Stole. The. Tickets. To. Shawn. Mendes'. Concert." She finally got it out.


"I don't know yet! I just found out before I left school okay. I'm gonna look for it." Lee argued back.

"All this time of memorising his lyrics is going to waste." her voice cracked.

"Oh c'mon Pipes, I'm going to find the person who stole the tickets and make the person pay back for the chaos he or she has caused. Don't worry okay. I've got this." Leigh could tell she didn't expect herself or sound this calm.


im sorry for this shitty chapter but it was the weekends and since I had time to write, why not ?

Oh !OMG YOU GUYS ARE LEGIT THE BEST READERS EVER !!! a chapter ago there were only 200+ readers and now there's 350+?! im freaking out AHHHHHHH !! thank you guys soooooooooo much this means heckling a lot to me and i appreciate every single one of you out there !!

Love, your author <333333

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