chapter eleven | best day ever

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The whole stadium was filled with people. Young and Old. Not an empty seat left for anyone. The atmosphere was filled with people talking, laughing, screeching and a little jam session to Billie's songs to prepare for her when she is on stage to perform. 

The crowd started to shout and scream with excitement and joy to indicate that Billie was finally coming up on stage to perform for us. Her fans. The people that support her with all our hearts and never-ending love to Billie. A count-down began and it was projected on the massive projector screen in front of us. And yes, Piper and Leigh were in the front row. The best row ever to be able to get a handshake with Billie Eilish.

"ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THE ONE AND ONLY, BILLIE EILISH IN THE WORLD??!!" The emcee screamed into the mic to get everyone's attention and his face appeared on the humungous projector screen.

"YASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" everyone shouted back in unison. 


Time started to slow down but yet it was going faster at the same time the moment she stepped onto the stage. Every single scream brought a smile to Billie's face as she was wearing her own Blohsh merch from legitimately head to toe. 

Each spotlight that could be found shined on Billie like she was not already the star of the concert. The night even. As time went by, she started to sing was 'Bellyache'. Everyone began to scream again; how can you not enjoy this beautiful melodious heavenly music in your blessed ears? And of course, it's Billie Eilish.  It was like spending some quality time with just Piper, Leigh and Billie. Just them and no one else. 

It felt like everyone was on clouds and it danced gracefully with not a single sign of shame and never cared about whatever judgement that is heading their direction or what they might face in the upcoming future. 

Every move that Billie took blessed everyone's eyes as if they have never seen anyone dance in their life. Well, maybe not the way she does. Each song that was sung that night, were like lullabies for teenagers. As time went by, the concert got better. Like legit. Lana Del Rey popped up on stage and the smile on everyone's faces including Billie's was priceless. Something that is way more valuable than just a bar of gold in your hands that you can rob from a bank. 

The crowd's screams were deafening, no person could be heard unless you carried a microphone in your hands. Both of them sang Born To Die, Love, Young and Beautiful, and Lust For Life. And boy, when Weeknd appeared to sing Lust For Life, the crowd went mad as hell. Even people from the back tried to push their way forward to get a better look at all three of them. Thank God Leigh and Piper were already in front. 


HEY FRIENDS !!!! sorry yallz had to wait for so long for me to update. I had a writer's block and damn, it was hard. Anyways, hope yalls like this chapter !!! EHEEHHEHEHEHE LOVE YALLLSLLLSSLLSLSLS <33333333333333333333333333333333333

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