Chapter six (✔️)

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Recap: RagLak had their memory moments. Laksh asked her to be with him. But she refused it... Laksh left leaving a note on the dresser.

Ragini comes out of the washroom, she looked at the room to find him. But unfortunately he was gone, leaving a note on the dresser.

Dear Ragini

I have tried it a lot to forget you. But I couldn't neither a marriage to a ... woman couldn't divide my mind. You were everywhere, whenever I closed my eyes I saw you. Ragini I have never left you. I have always loved you. I thought to come here to meet you. You were the only reason why I come and I was so happy to see you again. I thought to talk to you, but I was scared seeing your Mangalsutar knowing you are now someone else. But yet I thought that the destiny had given us another chance. Well that was what I thought till you said no... again you broke my heart, but Ragini it's okay. I have waited for you an I will keep waiting for you. Maybe someday you will find your way to me...

Yours Lakshya.

Ragini was crying holding the note tight in her hand. Laksh I'm sorry. I have done it again, but I'm so sorry a promise is stopping me to leave him.

Ragini closed the eyes to remember her wedding date.

Janki come to Ragini. Ragini looked at the door...

"Maa you here, What happen?"

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"Maa you here, What happen?".

Janki come in, she closed the door and looked at Ragini, "Ragini we need to talk" She comes closer and caresses Ragini's cheek, "I know Ragini you are unhappy because of the marriage, but Vicky is the right choice, he is the perfect man for you!"

Ragini nodded unwillingly to her words, "Maa what do you wanted to talk to me?"

Janki hold her hands, "It's about our reputation. Promise me you will never ruined it. Whatever happens you will stay with him to keep the name of Gadodia in the right order!"

She looked at her,"Forget that Laksh! He had never existed for you!"

She took a deep breath, "Vicky accepted you, even after knowing that you are used. You lost your virginity with Laksh!"

Ragini cried. Haan I lost it and I'm happy that I lost it with Laksh the one, who loved me truly. He never misused me neither forced me. But here all are against me!

Janki shook her, "Promise me. At least keep this marriage working!" She shouted at her, "Show me that you are my daughter and not a slut!"

Ragini was shocked. "Maa...!"

Janki turned her face, "You have done it, now you have to pay for it. Just promise me you will keep this marriage at any cost and I will forgive you!" She turned her face and was about to leave.

Ragini wiped her tears away, "Haan Maa I promise you. Whatever happens I will keep this marriage. I won't leave him!" She hold her mother from the back and hugged her, while crying on her shoulder.

Ragini cries loud. I gave a promise to my mother, just to gain her fake love and trust back. I'm sorry Laksh.

She looked around the room just to check if she had forget something. She wore her Mangalsutar and took HIS ring in her hand. She closed her hand into a fist and saw his shirt. The same shirt, she wore the night.

Laksh has called for a cab for Ragini. The manager of the hotel made a call to the room Ragini was staying.

Ragini frighten hearing the sound of the phone. She slowly walked to the phone and picked it up.

Ragini was nervous, "Hello?".

The manager starts to speak, "Ma'am your cab is here and waiting for you. The room is paid we hope you had a nice stay and would be happy to see you again at any of our hotel's."

Ragini was confused, "Sorry the room is paid and the cab has arrived?" She repeats, what she understood.

The manager apologised, "Sorry Mrs. Singhania, yes Mr. Maheshwari paid the room bill anf had called a cab for you!"

Ragini understood, "Thank you." She took his shirt and folded it. She put it in her purse and left the room.

Ragini took the cab, Laksh had called for her. She was lost in her thoughts. Laksh I know I'm bad. I couldn't hold up on the love, your love is unconditional, but mine looks so weak in front of yours. I'm sorry I want to be with you, but I can't be with you. We might see us again, but will you be still waiting for me?

Laksh drove home. He was angry and upset, but he had a feeling whatever it is, what is stopping Ragini must be important to her. She would never repeat to hurt him again without a proper reason. My Ragini I will be waiting for you!

Ragini reached home. She opens the door and was shocked to found Vicky.

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