Chapter 14 (✔️)

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Recap: Ragini's past.

Laksh anger had no end. He made Ragini sleep on the bed, after getting all the necessary informations.

He covers her with the duvet and places a kiss on her forehead, "Baacha you don't worry now I'm there I won't let anything happen to you!" He kisses her shoulder and left the house.

He took his car keys and drove to Ragini's place. He was about to meet the police inspector there, but he stopped as he saw Vicky.

His blood boils, "Vicky!" He took his name with hate, "I will not leave you Vicky. Sooner or later the true will be out then you will be suffering!"

Laksh waited till Vicky left the house. The inspector come and looked at the crime scene the house was sealed yet someone come and removed it. Laksh took out his mobile, "Inspector Vicky had come!" He shows the picture he took in his car.

The inspector nods, "Why he come?" Laksh thought for a moment, "Inspector I think he is the real killer, he is framing his wife. Do you know what he had done to her?"

The inspector looked at him, "Mr. Maheshwari I do my homework. I know that his wife isn't a killer type woman in fact she is someone, who will die for him as she is too naive. But how do you know? Are you helping her in hiding?! Don't tell me! It's better if I don't know!" He took a deep breath, "Let's go in!" Laksh nods and they entered the house.

The Inspector goes ahead, "Here is the area were the man got killed, but this doesn't match with the crime scene itself"

Laksh didn't understand, he frowns, "Sir, he was killed here at the hall. But Ragini told me he followed her to the door..!" He bites on his tongue, "I meant to say that... she won't be able to kill a man of his weight and height. She isn't that tall and she is very weak, he could easily put pressure on her!"

The Inspector nods, "merely hypothetical you could have got an information that the culprit Mrs. Singhania runaway and he was alive. Then who killed him and why is she hiding if she hasn't done a crime?" He openly questioned Laksh.

Laksh nods, "Like you said hypothetically, she runaway because of the humiliation she was suffering, like abusing and domestic violence, which includes forcing her e.g. rape...? Uhm one more information. I think she runaway to safe her left dignity as she was alone, why?".

The inspector nods, "So it could have happened like... Mr. Asshole has sold his wife? But why?"

Laksh scratches his head, "Business loss, money fame? Anything!" He really doesn't know it, but he remembers how Ragini told him about the business loss... "business loss!".

The inspector nods, "If you see her. Tell her to come and give a statement! Otherwise it will get worse for her, if you wanna save her then take the law side don't hide!"

He calls the forensic team again to check if something is missing as the seal was broken.

Laksh left from there. Ragini had prepared the food she looked at him, "What happened Laksh? You look so stern! Is everything fine?"

Laksh nods, "I saw him, oh I controlled myself you don't know how much! Ragini promise me you will fight back! At any cost!" He hold her hand tight and she nods. She hugs him tight.

"Ragini there one more thing.." He told her everything, "We can trust him?" She asked and Laksh nods, "Haan he seems to be very fair!"

Ragini nods. Both went to the police station in which the inspector works.

They knocked at the door. "Come in!" RagLak enters the cabin and were shocked to see Vicky.

Vicky stood up and starts to fume in anger, Laksh was holding her hand tight, "I'm here don't be scared you promised me!"

Ragini nods, "Sir ,we come for the statement."

The inspector nods looking at her, with his stick he hit Vicky on his shoulder, "Ops I slip!"

Vicky rubs his shoulder, "What the hell!" He hold the collar of inspector... "woah what are you doing, you know this is a crime! Constable... take him to his cell!"

The inspector removed the hands of Vicky with a strength that it pains Vicky.

Laksh and Ragini smiles.

A Constable come and put him into a cell. "Ragini Singhania please sit and don't worry I will handle him special treatment."

Ragini and Laksh sat on the opposite of the inspectors desk. Ragini told him everything even a female inspector was there, "Ma'am you have to come with me!"

Laksh was confused, "No, why?"

The inspector consoles him, "It's necessary we need pictures of her injuries!"

Ragini nods n and vanished to the place where the pictures were taken.

They come back, "Sir done!" Ragini sat next to Laksh, it felt as if she got through the torture again, "you can leave now."

Laksh and Ragini looked at them, "why? We made a crime I hide her and she runaway!"

The inspector stood up, "Yes, but the idiot stole the vase with, which he killed the man. We found it in his office! While he was here! I said na special treatment... Do you guys know what happens to men's in jail who raped and killed or even hurt Women?"

RagLak shook their heads.

"Let me explain there are rankings of crimes and rapist or women beater are the lowest because they don't do something to someone, who is equal to them. One night in the real jail... he will go through all he did with her. As my cell is filled and the court is closed no one will ask for his bail at this time, he can call his lawyer, but like I said he can't do anything! You are out of charge! You can go!".

The Inspector and RagLak come out of the cabin, they looked at Vicky, "Constable put him in the central jail, he is charged for murder, rape and domestic violence!" He shouted so the other prisoners got to hear it.

Vicky was delivered to the central jail. There too his crimes were loudly announced.

Vicky was beaten up... raped several times... he was lying on the floor of his cell like garbage.

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