Chapter eight (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh memory and Ragini's torture.

Ragini was scared, she went to her bedroom and comes out in a new Saree, she had changed her clothes on the wish of Vicky, who had ordered her to wear some comfortable clothes.

Ragini was in the kitchen preparing the food. She hasn't eaten anything yet and was already busy with the household work. She was doing all the work alone as the loses has effected their lifestyle.

Vicky couldn't pay the servants for their work he had to fire them.

Ragini looked at her hand.

A kiss

"Laksh you like my surprise? You are not angry?" She asked him while he was holding his wrist with the watch.

Laksh come closer to her, "Na Ragini, I'm not angry and I'm very sorry for my anger for that day!" He kissed her hand.

Ragini felt a shiver running down her spine, "Laksh...?" She said with a blush on her face. Laksh smiled at her, "Ragini your hands are so soft!". He took her hands and made her cup his face.

*Ding dong*

The door bell and Vicky's yell broke her trance. She rushes to the door, her purse still on the floor, she picked it up and placed it on the cupboard surface.

Ragini opens the door a man in his 40's or 50's enters the house. Ragini greeted him and asked him to come in as Vicky was still getting ready.

Ragini was very polite, "Would you like to have a drink or something? Please sit!" She shows him the couch and he sat on it, asking for a glass of water. Ragini nodded, she went to the kitchen just then Vicky came with a smirk.

Vicky sat next to him, "What you say?" He looked at the man. The man was one of the biggest business tycoons and had a big weakness, women, "Vicky are you really telling me your wife would sleep with me?" They were whispering.

Vicky nods, "She does everything what I say to her and even if not you are going to buy her so enjoy your property for a night!" He places his hand on the shoulder of the old man.

The man looked at Ragini with an evil and dirty mind. Ragini comes out and serves him the water her bare waist was visible. She felt uncomfortable and tried to hide her nervousness, "Vicky food is ready please!" She asked them to sit on the dining table. The man nodded to Vicky, who was smirking devilishly.

Whereas someone was feeling as if his life is going to break apart.

Ragini took the dirty dishes from the table and was cleaning the kitchen, when she hissed the sound of a closing door. She breath in relief as she couldn't stand the gaze of the man.

A hand touched her belly, "Vicky please the guest just left!"

He pinched her waist. Ragini pushes the hand away and turned, "What are you doing?" The man looked at her with his dirty gaze, "I'm here to have my fun with you. Your husband sold you to me!"

Ragini shook her head, "No, this can't be true. You are lying!" The man hold her wrist and tried to pull her closer to him. But Ragini pushes him again, this time with her full body weight. She rushes out of the kitchen the man followed her. "See he has gone, you are mine for this one night!"

Ragini looked at him with disgust and widen eyes, "No, I'm not yours not even for a night!". She shouts at him, but he comes closer.

Ragini was thinking for an escape plan, but what to do, he was coming more closer to her. She pushes him as hard as possible and he hits with his head on the wall. Ragini took the purse and left into the dark rainy night.

She was running and running for her life. She doesn't know where she was, as it was too dark and she was scared to hell.

But she had more fear to return to her home than from the darkness, she hold her purse tight as if she could feel some security. She thought where to go, she cries and those tears mixed up with the rain.

"Ragini I will be always there for you!"

Ragini didn't wasted much time, she was walking alone in the darkness till she reached a big mansion. Her legs were paining, she was shivering, but she reached her aim...

*Ding dong*

The door opens and a woman was standing there, "Yes?"

Ragini was shocked, but ya she could understand it, "Uhm...?" She couldn't say much before she faints at the door entrance.

A strong hand hold her hand, before she could even touch the ground, he lifts her up in his arms, "Neha get me some fresh clothes!".

Neha nodded, "Yes Bhai, Wait!".

He places her on a bed and saw her shivering. Neha comes in with the warm clothes, "Bhai I will change her! You leave the room!" He glares at her in anger, "Get Out!" He shouts on Neha.

Neha frighten and left the room. Strange this Laksh, just in two moments he make me a family and then breaks it all with a yell, idiot!.

Laksh closed the door. He took off his clothes and hers too, he lies next to her, giving her the needed body heat. She got effected by his touch and immediately reciprocates to him....

 She got effected by his touch and immediately reciprocates to him

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