Wedding {Final Chapter} (✔️)

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Recap: Vicky got his punishment Ragini is with Laksh.

Laksh had announced that he will marry Ragini as as possible as this is the name of their relationship.

Ragini was sitting on the floor, women from the neighbourhood come and applied the Mehndi on her hands.

Ragini was sitting on the floor, women from the neighbourhood come and applied the Mehndi on her hands

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Ragini was happy her dream to become Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari was coming true. She never thought, he would keep on his word as she had give up on the loyalty of men's. But her Laksh was always different from the frist date till their first time....

She still remembers, how Laksh come and asked her for a date.

"Ragini... Ragini?!" He waved in front of her face, "Arrey look at me at once!" Laksh said to her.

Ragini smiled and looked up at him, "Laksh...? Sorry!"

Laksh shook his head, "Don't be, where were you lost? Hope thinking of me?"

Ragini blushed, "Haan Laksh it's only you, who comes into my mind!" Laksh smiled and kisses her cheek.

Ragini widen her eyes, "Haaw, Laksh!"

Laksh pouted, "Just your cheek not your lips?"

Ragini give him a smirk, "Haan only cheek, but my dry lips are waiting for a kiss!" She said it and he was almost falling from the bench, "W... what?" She laughed at him and stood up.

Ragini was walking her way back to the class, when he hold her hand, "Ragini...?"

He pulled her close and kissed her lips, which weren't dry at all, but juicy. He kissed her with love and care trying not to go to far and not to disappoint her. He succeeded as she reciprocated to his kiss.

That was their First kiss

A woman looked at her designed hands, "Wow Ragini! Look this colour is dark of your hands. Do you know what it means?"

Ragini knew it as it is her second marriage. "Haan it means that my husband loves me deeply!"

"Ragini one date. I'm not asking much! Come on it's my birthday!" Laksh hold her hand.

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