Chapter two (✔️)

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Recap; Reunion with a short flashback.

Laksh left Ragini alone, she was looking at him, but he wasn't giving her any attention as he knows she is married.

Ragini was talking to the other's, she hasn't met for long time. After her marriage her life had changed completely what always remain was her unconditional love for Laksh.

Laksh was talking to an old friend Omi.
Omi was happy, "Finally you are getting divorced by that witch, she never deserved you." He was drinking water, "you know Ragini is facing some problems?"

Laksh was shocked, "What? Problems? What kind of problems?" He asked in concern

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Laksh was shocked, "What? Problems? What kind of problems?" He asked in concern.

Omi turns and consoles him, "Laksh her husband is facing business losses, he is such a loser!"

Laksh turns away. He walks out of the auditorium and was standing under the dark sky thinking of day, she refused to marry him.

Laksh was waiting for Ragini, she had called him to meet her on their regular meeting point. Laksh heart was beating fast he was nervous and shaking all over the body. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel the restlessness, since she called me?

Just then Ragini arrives. Laksh smiles he stood up and was about to hug her, when another person come out the car. Who is he?.

Ragini goes near Laksh, she was trying to find the right words. But then he spoke, "I'm Vicky Singhania and Ragini is my to be wife! Stay away from her!"

Laksh was numb, "Ragini? What is he saying? Tell me it is a lie you are pranking me, right?"

He was about to touch her, but Vicky pushes his hand away, "I said stay away!. Which includes don't touch her!" He was saying it with anger and attitude.

Ragini looked at him. "Haan Laksh he is my fiancé, he knows everything abt us! I haven't hide anything from him!". She said it all with tears in her eyes.

Laksh understood that she is forced, but he was ready to elope with her, "Ragini come we will leave!" He forwarded his hand.

Ragini closed her eyes, tears were rolling down her cheeks, she shook her head, "No, I won't come with you! In a week is my wedding. Here the card YOU ARE INVITED AS A GUEST!" She turns to Vicky and they left from there leaving a broken Laksh back.

Laksh closed his eyes tears were rolling down his cheeks. He immediately wipes them away. Ragini you left me because of your family. I know that I'm not angry on you. If I had my family even I would have chosen them over you, but your family didn't gave me a chance to prove myself. A chance would have been enough, then today you would by mine, not Vicky's Wife.

Laksh returns to the venue, but this time he was passing by Ragini, who just passed him.

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