Chapter nine (✔️)

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Recap: Ragini finally broke the promise and runaway because Vicky had sold her.

Ragini was sleeping deep in Laksh embrace. The heat of his body warmth her the night. She was drenched and the only way, Laksh saw that moment to help her, was his body heat.

Ragini was shivering, but soon she smoothing with his body and was feeling better. The way he was holding her in his arms, was like a shield, a barrier to keep all the evil away from her.

She felt secure.

It was the next morning, when the sun rays felt on her face, which was hidden in Laksh chest before he moves.

Ragini opens her eyes, which were swollen from the last night, in which she cried and had to face the worst moment in her life. Her husband had sold her to another man. Ragini felt disgusted, how could this be possible.

She was holding herself, when she felt her own body.

No, Laksh you too... you too have used me in my weakest moment. Why Laksh? Why you did this to me? Wasn't it enough that I had to bear this insult in my own four walls. I come to you for shelter, but you misused my situation.

She cries holding herself in a hug position. Laksh, who heard her cry woke up, he wrapped her completely in the duvet and hold her tight. As tight as possible to make her feel save. She struggles to get out of his hug, but he didn't let her. He hold her close to his chest and caresses her back. She was facing him; but didn't looked into his eyes. Her gaze fall on his lower body he was wearing his boxers.

Laksh you...

She looked up and he was holding her in his embrace. As if there is no tomorrow.

He rested his chin on her head and let her cry... Now Ragini felt disgusted about herself that she could even think of Laksh being selfish and using her situation.

She cries on his chest holding him tight.

Laksh was quiet and calm. He let her cry and made her feel secure, "Water?" He asked, but Ragini shook her head, she was like a waterfall crying unstoppable.

Laksh caresses her back again, "Laksh I'm bad!" She said with a broken voice.

He looked at her with confusion, "Ragini I don't think so, you are not bad! You are just lost, you have to find your way back to life!" He looked at her, his eyes were showing only love.

Ragini shook her head, "I'm paying for my deeds for leaving you!" She hides her face again in his chest.

Laksh taps her back, "No Ragini, please don't say that. I told you once and I'm telling you again. I'm not angry on you. I'm waiting, I will be waiting! I don't what had happened to you, but you can stay as long as you want!" He consoles her.

Ragini looked at him, "How long will you wait for Me? I know there is someone new in your life, you replaced me." She said in a low voice remembering the woman, she saw last night.

Laksh got confused, but he didn't correct her. "I will wait as long as you will make me wait, there is no timetable, which says you have to answer me. You have to decide, you take your time!" He stood up, but she hold his hand.

Laksh turns to her, "What?" He hold her hand with both his hands, "Ragini, please stop crying. Each teardrop of yours is like, if a sharpe knife is stabbing into my heart!" He wipes her tears away.

Ragini took a deep breath, "Laksh you wanted to know what happened to me?" She lowered her head in shame.

Laksh looked away, "Haan I wanted to know. I still want to know, but I can't force you. No one can and no one should! You have your own life your own mind to decided whatever is right or wrong for you!" He looked deep into her eyes.

The path she is looking for is he, he is her happiness, her calm point, her life and her love.

How long will she runaway from the truth?

"Laksh can I stay here?!"

Laksh nods, "Haan Ragini, I told you as long as you want!" He caresses her cheek.

How long will she hide her pain from the one; who only loves her?

"Laksh I want to share my pain with you," She again cries, this time she lies on his lap. She needs the closeness as he continuously caresses her head, "Ragini I'm here to hear your pain and to heal tour wounds!" He bend down and places a kiss on her back head.

Ragini took another breath, "Laksh, since I got married, my life has become a living hell. I have lost everything by losing you! I got married to the cruelest man I have known in my life 'Vicky'."

She clutched into his skin and dig her nails.

"He is a monster. He hurts me, abused me. Laksh before the wedding took place he slept with me. I told you, but what I didn't told you is that he still does it. He rapes me often. Even when I'm in pain he doesn't care, he wants his satisfaction, which is always connected to my humiliation!"

She cries louder. Laksh anger raised, but he kept calm; finally she was speaking her heart out.

"Laksh he did something I could never imagine."

She felt disgusted for keeping that promise.

"He sold me!"

Laksh couldn't control it anymore. "He did what?! How dare he?! I will kill him!!!!".

Ragini felt his anger, which was justified. She hold him. "Don't commit a crime! I need you! I don't want to lose you! Not after so many years, I can't life without you anymore!".

That's it, she has confirmed him that she will move on.

Laksh cups her face. He places a kiss on her forehead. Tears only tears were rolling down her cheeks, but this time these tears weren't of sadness, but of happiness.

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