Chapter 1

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Last day of college and I'm so fucking happy. I know for a fact that I'm gonna graduate. "Sup green bean. Are you excited to graduate?" My best friend Adam asked. "Yeah im so fucking ready." I say. "That's the spirit!" My other best friend Amy walks up to us. "So what are you doing after you walk off the stage?" Adam asked. "Well im going to LA to a university." They cut me off. "What?! That's like a long way away." Says Adam. "Yeah. Why LA? You dont even have the money. And where you gonna stay?" Amy frantically walks around. "Guys chill. I have a friend in LA and they said they new some people who would be Happy to help me out with the living situation. And besides im taking a year off. And dont worry. Ill see if you can visit." I say. They look at me like I'm crazy. "We are gonna miss you." Adam says. "I know. Imma miss you guys too." I tell them. We have a whole group hug.

We walked around and hung out with people before graduation. Finally we got changed into our cap and gowns. We had a whole graduation. It was amazing. I saw my parents cheering as I walked across the stage. Soon we threw our hats up in the air. We all cheered and screamed. While we were leaving my two friends came and stopped me. " going to the after party?" Amy asked. "No. Im leaving tomorrow and I can't be hung over. Sorry. Love ya!" I say. We all have one last hug together. "We will see ya whenever." Adam says.

I gave a sad smile and got into my car. I gave them a sad wave. They waved back. When I got home I got all my stuff ready. I was packing when I saw my dad standing at my door frame. "I'm so proud if you." He tells me. I smile at him. "Wow I can't believe your leaving tomorrow." He says. "Yep." I say. There was silence. "Well I love you." He says. "Love you too dad." I say. He smiles and leaves.

After hours and hours I finally was done packing all my stuff. I laid in the floor and fell asleep.

*the next morning*

"COME ON WAKE UP. YOU'RE GONNA MISS YOUR FLIGHT. COME ON!" My mom yells. I frantically get up. We get everything into the car and leave for the airport. When we arrive I get out of the car. My dad and mom help me because I've never done this before. After giving my parents hugs and tears falling I go to the thing and wait for my thing to be called.

(I've never been to a airport. Cut me some slack)

"Flight 144 is boarding now." The lady announces. I get up and go to the gate. I had the flight attendant my ticket and get on and find my seat.

Jake POV

The roomates were called to a meeting in the garage. "Guys the new roommate is gonna be here tonight. We need to clean this house. It is nasty and we can't live like pigs especially that kitchen." Says Aaron.

"Okay that's right. Let's do this." Says corey. We leave and start cleaning. "So why are we getting anew roommate?" I asked Colby who was helping me clean the kitchen. "Uh I know they graduated from college. And they are coming here for a year then to university." Colby tells me. "That's cool. Seriously guys. Why is there a banana peel in the cupboard?" I asked. They all just laugh.

*hours later* Y/n POV

I've been on this flight for 9 hours so far. And I am ready to get off. We have a hour left and I'm ready to get off. Its gonna be dark once I get there.
*hour later*

The plane landed in LA. "Thanks you for flying border line airlines. Have a nice day." Said the pilot. We all got out and I didn't know who was picking me up. I was looking around and I saw a girl holding up a sign with my name on it. I walked up to her and waved. "Oh my god hi. You are much pretty than how pretty I though you were. Hi im devyn." She says. She holds put her hand. "Hi. You are very pretty as well." I say. "Well let's get your bags and let's go." She says. I nod. After we got my bags we got into her car and we go. "So you are gonna love the boys. There's 5 of them. One of them is mine and his name is Corey. Then there I'd Aaron, Colby, Sam, and Jake. They are all super nice." She says. "And we are all youubers." She adds. "I've always wanted to do YouTube. But I went to college." I say. "That's good though." She tells me. "How old are you?" She asked. "Drinking age." I tell her. She laughs. Finally we make it to a big mansion. "This is nice." I say. She nods.

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