chapter 10

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I sat on Katrina's couch in disbelief. I called up colby. He answered right away.

Colby: "hello?"

Me: "Wheres jake?" I asked in a rush voice.

Colby: "Why?" He asked.

Me: "Cause I need to make things right." I say softly.

I heard him take a breathe.

Colby: "Well you better hurry cause he went to a bar." He says.

Me: "Which one?!" I freaked out.

Colby: "THE bar." He says.

I knew what he meant. The bar I got kicked out of. Damn it!!

I thanked colby and I got dressed. Aint no one about to steal my jake away from me. Katrina was shocked by my sudden mood and helped me get ready.

I curled my hair and had one of the agents on call that worked for my dad.

"CD. I need a favor?" I say. "What?" He asked. "I need a fake ID. I got kicked out of a club and I lost my old fake ID." I say. "First of all how? And second of all okay." He says. "Dont ask questions that can get you killed.....I placed it in my Mcdonalds bag and threw it in the dumpter. Just shut up and do it thanks." I say. I heard him laugh and the line goes dead. I recieve a text message. A picture of it will have to do. Kat looked at me. "All set?" She asked. I nodded and smirked.

*At the bar/club*

I walked up and security let me through. I let out a breathe of relief. "Operation find jake is a go." I say out loud. Kat was also there but sam was gonna meet her outside. So I just went in alone. I looked everywhere on the dance floor. I looked around and saw a shade of purple hair but he was talking to a little blond girl. I was very upset. I found a seat next to the girl. She didnt even notice me.

I swiftly pressed a weak spot and she fell out of her seat. I then asked the waiter for a water and looked over and saw the girl on the floor. "Oh my god. How many drinks did she have?" I say. I looked up and saw jake staring at me. I looked away. It took him a minute to realize it was me.      "Y/n?" he says. I sighed. "Hi jake." I say. "When did you get here?" He asked. "Hm. Maybe 20 minutes." I say. "And she mysteriously just fell out." He says pointing at the girl.

I laughed it off. "Yeah okay. But I got jealous. And um yeah." I say. "How did you get in?" he asked. "I have my ways. Anyways. I came to apologize. You dont have to forgive me. But I just wanna tell you. I never meant wny of those mean things.." I then rambled until I felt warm lips on my mine. I kissed back. He pulled me out onto the dance floor and we danced together. "I forgive you. And im also sorry for everything I said." He yells over the music. "I forgive you!" I yell. We kissed again. "Is this a dream?!" I yell. "I dont think so!" he says. I smiled and placed my head on his chest. I see kat and sam. They wave and smile.  Me and jake were dancing. I was swaying my hips to the music. "Why wear that outfit though?" He asked. "I knew it would catch your attention." I tell him. "Well I want it off." He says. "Do it for me then jakey." I say. All of a sudden he picks me up and takes me to his car. He buckles me up and gets in the the drivers seat.

"You wanna go straight home or stop and get food first?" he asked. He is just the sweetest. He can be a dominant person but still a gentlemen.

"Lets get food. Chicken nuggets." I say. "Chicken nuggets it is." He says. He turned up the music and I was jamming out to my favorite song. Jake ordered me chicky nuggies and I was a happy camper. When we got home he wasted no time getting my dress off....


The next morning I woke up with legs aching and Jake up against my back. I smiled to myself and checked my phone. Two Miss calls from kat. 10 messages from dad.

My dad was wondering if I was okay. I told him I was fine. The I called kat.

She answered. "Hello?" She says. "Hey kat." I say with a raspy voice. She just bust out laughing. She knows what happened. "Fuck off." I say. "I guess you are alright then. See you later." She says.

*Time skipped*

"The trap house moving out. Sad day today." Jake says. I looked around and saw everything was almost gone. "Yeah but at least we will be together." I say. "yeah. I'm so happy." He says. I still haven't seen the new place. I was gonna see it now. I got into Jake's car. He drove to the new place. As I got out I ran into someone. "Oh shit. Sorry." They say. They sounded familiar. I shook off the thought and continued to walked. Jake ran up and grabbed my waist with one arm and walked along side me. I had loui my new snake wrapped around my hand.

We walked up to the door of the apartment and I look and see Sam. "Hey Samuel!" I yell. He smiled and waved. Jake unlocked the door and I walked in. It was a  nice place. "Wow. I'm gonna have fun decorating." I tell Jake. "Wow. I'm still in love with my roommate. It's crazy." He says. "Hm Colby isn't your roommate anymore." I say laughing. "Well Colby is my lover. You are mine." He says. "Well aren't you just sweet. " I say. "Did you already bring loui's cage?" I asked. "Yeah it's in our room." He says. I nodded and placed Loui in his cage. Jake came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you y/n." He says. "I love you too Jake from State farm." I say. "At 3 in the morning?" He asked. "No at all times." I say.

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