chapter 3

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"What do you mean?" I asked. "When we were arguing. In the middle of it you went. I did it because I like you." He tells me. My face went red and I looked away from him. Jake took my face and turned it toward him. "Did you mean it?" He asked again. "Y-y-yeah." I tell him. He smirked. "Thats cute." He says. I blush and look away. There was a knovk on my door. "Come in." I say. Colby walks in. "Me and sam are going to explore this abandoned hospital do you guys wanna go?" Colby asked us. "Yeah sure." Jake says. I nod. Colby leaves and jake follows. He turns his head and winks before leaving.

I got dressed in something black and went downstairs. "You need a jacket." Jake says in a motherly voice. "Im sorrryy." I say. I walk up amd grab one of jakes black hoodies. I went back down and jake stared at me. "Alright lets go." Colby says. "Shot gun!" Sam yells. Me and jake groan. Me and jake get in the back. I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over and jake was looking out the window. When we arrived we stood outside and set up the camera. I go and stand by jake. "Whats up guys its sam and colby." Says colby. "Today we are here with jake and our new roommate y/n. We are gonna be exploring an abandoned hospital." Says sam.

They explain what it is and what it was. I look at jake. "You look cute in my jacket." He says. I look away from him and smile.


The whole time I was clung to jake for protection. Thats when something hit the back of my head and everything went black.

Jakes pov.

All of a sudden we all heard something falling then it hit y/n. She fell to the ground unconscious. I grabbed her and ran out with the boys. We drove her to the hospital. They took her up to a room. We told them what happened. I sat in the waiting room while sam and colby went home to tell everyone. Alittle later a nurse walked out. "Boyfriend or girlfriend and family can visit only right now." She says.

I needed to see y/n. "Um im her boyfriend." I say. She nods and tells me the room number. I walked into the room and saw her laying there unconscious. I went to her side. I grabbed her hand. She looked so peaceful. Her beautiful (h/c) laid over her shoulders. She was so cute.

Y/n pov

My eyes slowly started to open. I saw jake sitting there. His hand holding mine. I knew I was in a hospital. "Hi." I say quietly. He looked up and smiled. "You're awake! Oh im so fucking sorry. I shouldnt have let you go." He tells me. Me being stupid just laughed. "Hashtag clickbait." I say. He chuckles. His hand was still holding mine. That when I realized only family or spouse could visit only right now. "How did you get back here?" I asked. "Well. I said I was your boyfriend." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh." I say. I smiled at him.

*two days later*

I was finally released from the hospital and jake was there to get me. We rode back in silence. When we got into the house I went to my room and feed onyx. After he is well fed I pick him up. Corey walks in and waves. I wave and he leaves. I saw sam and colbys video titled 'rushed to the hospital' and I looked at the comments.

Why is she the new roommate?

Hurry up and go to uni they dont want you there!

Why is she hanging on jake like that?

She is pretty. I think she is cool.

She is such a clingy bitch.

She wears to much makeup.

Isnt that jakes favorite jacket?

She just wants fame.

By now I was hurt. The fans dont like me and I haven't even done anything. I decided to make a video and put it on my twitter.

"Hello! Hi its ya girl y/n and if you hate me leave. *tries holding in a laugh*. Look guys honestly I dont care what you say about me. Yes it hurts alot but im not gonna leave or kill myself cause some comments. Honestly if you followed to me to bully me you can leave. I also read that someone said I wear alot of makeup...*moment of silence* Im all natural. I only put on makeup when its something special...and to prove it. *holds up makeup remover and starts wiping face* see none. Zero. No makeup. Oh and another thing. I do not want the fame. If I wanted fame I could achieve it on my own. *flips hair* Im here for a year then im going to uni. These boys and girl are kind enough to let me stay with them. And im a joy to be around. *aaron screams about fortnite* And the thing about jake and me are none of anyone business. Its called privacy. Learn about it. Write down notes. Anyways the whole reason is for this is leave me alone. Ive done nothing. And personally ive been bullied before so it doesnt bother me... still have the scars and oh wait. So people can bully me more. I put makeup over my eye cause I have a scar like scar from fucking lion king...*another moment of silence* Thank you ajd have a good day. Oh and everyone who was being nice. Thank you I love you." I say and stop recording. I post it and in 30 mins I already got lots of comments and likes. Alot of people retweet it. I walk to my mirror and take the makeup off of my eye to reveal the scar.

 I walk to my mirror and take the makeup off of my eye to reveal the scar

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I hear a gasp and turn around real quick. It was the whole house and they must of heard or seen the the video I posted. "Dont look at me im fucking ugly." I say looking away. "What? No thats fucking awesome. Princess scar. Bro that should he your youtube name." Colby says. "Im not proud of this. I was given this scar by my ex boyfriends girl that he was cheating on me with. I fought her and she scratched me.

"Did you win?" Sam asked. I nodded. "Ayyye." He says and gives me a high five. "So glad you stood up for yourself." Jake says. I smiled. Jake came and pulled ne into a hug. Everyone joined in.

About a week later so many big youtubers reacted to my tweet. They all said that I was right. They all love my scar. Thats when my favorite youtuber DMed me. Zane Hijazi

Hey I was wondering if you like to come to my house and like talk and or just hang out. I understand what you are going through. So if you want I would love to meet you.

Omg omg. Um this cant be happening. Uh yeah that would be amazing. I would love to. When? What time?

Um how about tomorrow and about 2 in the afternoon. You can even bring jake 

That will be great. See you tomorrow then
Ill bring whoever wants to go.

Thats great see you. Here is my address
(Insert address)

I was about to fucking die. Zane Hajazi wants me at his house. This is a dream come true. I run through the house telling everyone. The only one who could come was colby and jake. Im so ready. I was tweeting.

Bruuuuh my favorite youtuber just dm me. Im actually quaking and shook and freaking out. #komododragon

Zane: 😊😉 you know it babyyyyy

He fucking commented. Im actually gonna die. I had to go jump into the pool. Aaron who was the only one in the kitchen walked out and looked at me. "Are you good?" He asked. "Yeah just making sure im in real life." I tell him. He gives me the thumbs up.  He goes back inside. I go back upstairs and get dressed. I started talking to onyx like he was a human.

Im not crazy I promise....

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