Chapter 2

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I woke up on in my bed. I don't remember coming up here. I sat up and looked out the window. The view of the sunrise was amazing. I got on my phone and there were twitter notifs.

Colby_Brock started following you
Sam_Golbach started following you
CoreyScherer started following you
Jake_Webber started following you
Aaron_doh started following you.
Devyn_Lundy started following you
Brennen_Taylor started following you

And many other did too. I decided to get up and get dressed. I hear a knock on the door. "Hello." I say in a german accent. "Room service." I hear. It sounded like jake. "Come in mate" I say in a Australian accent. He walked in. "How did it go from german to Australian" he asked. I shrugged. "What does thou need." I asked. "To be honest I have no idea." He tells me. I roll my eyes. He plopped down on my bed. "Wanna go get some starbucks?" he asked. "Id rather have dankan donerts (duncan donuts)." I tell him. "Lets go." He says. I was shocked. "What?" I asked. "Come on. Were going duncan donuts." He says. I nod. I get into his car again.

We listen to music and dance to emo songs. He looked so cute. I stared at him and we pulled in. He looks at me. "Okay what do you want." He asked. I told him and he ordered his. After we got our food and coffee we headed home.

*time skipped a week*

Its been a week since I moved in and ive met so many people. "And I caaant help falling in love with you... Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin... If I can't help falling in love with you?" I sang in the kitchen while I was making a sandwich. I hear footsteps coming down stairs. It was corey and jake. They looked into the kitchen. "Was that you?" Asked jake. "What singing? Yeah." I say say shyly. "That sounded amazing." Jake says. "Haha I didnt think anyone was here." I say quietly. "u think its just us three." Corey say. "Oh." I say. I put up all the sandwich stuff. They nod. "So I have a cool surprise for everyone tomorrow. Its at night tho." I say. What they didnt know was that my friend is bringing snakes to the house.

Im gonna scare them in the morning. Devyn is gonna help me. They both nod and leave. Jake stopped and turned back around. He walked into the kitchen. "Hello again." I say. "Hi." He says. There was a comfortable silence. Jake has always hung out with me. I never thought someone like him would hang out with me. "So what you doing?" He asked. "Eating my sandwich." I say. "Thats lit." He says. "Hey can I vlog on your channel tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah sure. You thinking about becoming a youtuber?" He says. "I guess. I mean it would be fun to start something." I tell him. He nods. "Ive been going to night school " He tells me. I nodded. All of a sudden there was a noise outside. I looked and saw navi. Corey walked down and let her in.


The next morning I woke up at 5 in the morning. I grabbed jakes camera and started vlogging. "Um hi. I am y/n and im the new roommate. So there has been a prank war going on and no one is up. Its 5 o clock. And I have a friend coming over with snakes. I love snakes. I had my first one when I was 7. These dont bite and they arent venomous. But there is alot." I say. I was in the kitchen. Devyn walks down. "And devyn is gonna help. So what we are gonna do is. We are gonna block the enterances to the kitchen and stuff with some wood. And then we are gonna dump snakes in the big main hall." I tell the viewers. Me and devyn set it up. And yhats when my friend came. I walked out and greeted him. "So I have 40 kinds of snakes in here. I got big ones and medium size ones." He says. "Alright lets dump them in." I say. We take the boxes and dump the 40 snakes in the hall. The wood is to high. I set up the camera toward the stairs and I sit in the middle of all the snakes. I started playing with some of them. I was holding one of them.

It was about 9 o clock and I hear alarms going off upstairs. I told everyone I had a surprise planned at 9 so set your alarms. I hear foot steps and everyone walked down and stopped at the top of the bottom flight of stairs. "What the fuck." Says corey. "Hello my friends." I say. "What are you doing?" Colby asked. "Dude what the fuck?" Sam says. "Welcome to the prank wars." I say. "This is not normal." Says colby. "Jake get your woman." Corey says.

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