chapter 5

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Ever since that video went out ive been getting hate and support. I didnt care about the hate as long as I have jake. I was in the kitchen dancing with onyx in my hand. I hear a laugh. I look and see aaron. "Leave aye aye ron." I say. He laughed and went to the gaming room. Onyx has been acting funny lately. I decided to run him to the vet. They had told me that onyx had a disease. They asked if I wanted to leave onyx with them or take him home. I thought it would be best to bring him home and bury him when the time comes.

When I took him home I was in tears. The next few days sucked. Finally the day came and he finally died. I was in tears. He was a good snake. We put him in a box and have a little funeral for him. Losing a animal that I loved sucked.

Jakes pov.

I couldnt bare to see y/n this upset. I decided to get her a puppy. I went to the adoption center and saw her favorite dog breed. It was a cute little pitbull pup. It was a girl and she had a spot near her right eye. Y/n is gonna love her. I texted corey and told him to make sure she doesnt come downstairs.

When I got home the puppy was all happy and wagging her tail. I went into the kitchen and texted y/n.

Hey im so sorry...

About what jake

Just come down. I did something...

Soon I hear footsteps into the kitchen. I was turned so she couldnt see me.

Y/n pov

I walk down into the kitchen. I knew it. He is probably having second thoughts. I walk slowly toward him. "Jake...?" I say quietly. He turns real quick. "I got you a puppy!!" He told me. I was shocked. He handed me a little pitbull puppy. "Oh my gosh! Jake you-" I was in tears. He came and hugged me. "Thank you!" I yell. "Wait im vlogging. Im gonna title this. Jake makes his girlfriend cry." Says corey. He gets a thumbnail of me crying. I gave jake a kiss. He was so good to me. He took a picture of me with the puppy.

"Whats her name?" Corey asked. "MJ." I say. Since it was still the prank wars and colby and sam werent home I decided to prank them. I grab my camera that jake had given me. I started my own youtube channel finally. "Hey guys its ya girl y/n and I finally made a channel. Anyways...theres a prank war going around...and jake got me a new puppy. Her name is mj. Colby and sam arent around so that means im gonna prank them. Im gonna keep mj in one of there rooms with water and food and some toys plus a mat just in case she poops. Anyeays you will see. Ill be back when they get home." I pause it and get everythibg ready. I wait and finally they pull up. I grab my camera and walk downstairs.

The two boys walk in the door and look at me. "What happened. What did you do?" Asked sam. "Um so I was hearing a noise in sams room...and buddy and navi were both barking at the door." I tell them. They both stop and walk with me. We walked up to the room and stopped. "Also I should tell you I lied and there is actually a animal in there." I tell them. Sams eyes widened. "Okay im kinda scared cause yiu had snakes." Sam says. "This is bigger and meaner than a snake." I say calmly. Colby backs away with his hands up.

They were scared to open the door. "Fine ill gonin there first. Hold this." I say telling colby to hold the camera. I walk in without letting them see mj. I was holding her. "Okay easy easy...its okay im just gonna pet ya." I say acting like theres some huge animal here. Thats when I scream but without scaring MJ. Colby and sam rush in. They see me with the puppy and start cooing at her. "Oh my what?" Sam says. "Its so cute. Where did you get it?" Says colby. "Jake." I say. They awe.

"Welcome to the prank wars!!!" I 8 sitting there listening to music and he got up and pulled me up. We started slow dancing. "Do you have school tonight?" I asked. "Oh yeah... I do." He tells me. I frown. "But dont worry only for 2 hours." He tells me. I continue to frown. He gives me a peck on the lips and leaves his room. When he left ride by somo came on. I started dancing sexually.

Jake pov.

I walked back into the room and saw y/n dancing. She looked sexy. I sat and watched her. When she noticed me standing there she stopped and her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak but only a cute little squeak came out. She was embarrassed. "Awe baby. You dont have to be embarrassed. I thought you looked pretty sexy." I tell her. She looks up at me and smiles. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. She of course still didnt dance again but we sat there singing and acting weird.

Y/n pov

Jake looked at the time and it was time for him to leave. I didnt want him to go. We hugged and he kissed me. He left and I went to play with my new puppy.

I was downstairs in the lounge area watching spongebob. "Watcha doing? Watching spangeboob." Asked corey. I looked at him and nodded. Me and corey have became the best of friends. Me and him like to joke around with each other. We watch spongebob all the time together. He looks at me. "So how are you and jakey?" He asked. "We are doing great. I miss him." I tell him. "I miss devyn." He tells me. We both start fake crying and holding each other. Aaron walks in and looks confused. "Aaron come hither." I say. He walks close to me and corey and me and corey pull him down to us. Then we latch on to his sides like little children. "What are you doing?" Aaron asked. "Well we need our grandpa aaron cause I miss devyn and she misses jake." Corey says. Aaron rolled his eyes. He sighed and sat there. Me and corey fell asleep.

Jake pov.

I got back to the house and when I walked in I found corey, aaron, and y/n on the couch cuddling. I grabbed y/n and took her upstairs. MJ followed. I put y/n in my bed. I removed my shirt and pants. I then removed her shirt and pants. I placed one of my shirts on her and then laid down beside her.

*the next morning* Y/n pov.

I woke up with arms around my waist. I opened my eyes and saw jake sleeping. He looked cute. I noticed I had his shirt on and no pants. I was confused. I remember falling asleep downstairs. Mj was in the bed wiyh us at the end. I managed to get out of jakes grip and I took mj to the bathroom. After that I fed all the dogs. I was at the stove cooking pancakes. I felt two arms go sround my waist. I turn and see jake. "Good morning." I tell him. He smiles. "Good morning." He said in his morning voice. He sounded so hot.

He kissed the side of my neck. He kept kissing all over my neck. I was having a hard time flip the pancake. He chuckled when he noticed my struggle. He gave me one last kiss and pulled away. I finished making the pancakes. I made some for everyone. I sat with jake eating while everyone started getting up. There was a knock so I got up and answered it. I opened it and saw adam and amy standing there. My eyes widened. "oh my gosh. Guys." I say. I hug them both. "Whats up bestfriend." Says amy. "Come on in. Meet my roommates." I say. They nod and step in. They follow me to where everyone was at. "Guys meet my two bestfriends. Adam and amy." I say. The roommates plus my boyfriend waved. "Adam amy. This is corey, colby, devyn, sam, aaron, and my boyfriend jake." I say. "Boyfriend?" Adam asked. "Yep." I say. Amy smiled. Jake walked beside me. Adam shook jakes hand. Adam didnt look too happy but I just shook it off. Amy was sitting there talking to colby.

Colby pov.

Amy is telling me how much she likes adam but adam likes y/n. I dont have a good feeling about adam. Im gomna keep my eye on him. Y/n was looking at us. She smiled then stared at jake as he was talking to her. They make such a good couple.

Jake pov.

I dont like this adam dude. I think he likes y/n and that cant be happening. I know I sound jealous but I love this girl and nobody is gonna take her away from me. She hold onto my arms and I swooped her up bridle style. I carried her upsrairs.

Sam texted the whole house that there is gonna be a hide and seek. And he is it. Everyone agreed. Corey decided to vlog and so did everyone else. We gave amy and adam a camera.

Oh how I love it here.

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